Full astern! (X-29)Vista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1July 1, 2018Day 1 - it escalated quickly 🙂 2July 26, 2018Day 3 🙂 Vallejo ModelAir might be nice, but the white ones love the flying stuff too much... 3August 18, 2018 4August 18, 2018 5August 18, 2018 6August 18, 2018 7August 18, 2018 Commenti21 March 2025, 09:13 - Project infoX-297 immagini1:72In attesaGrumman X-29A US Air Force (1947-now)20003 (Chuck Sewell)Aprile 1985 - Edwards AFB, CAWhite FS17875 H316 Tutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »