Testarossa Convertible
8 12 February 2020, 21:52

scissors and glue - i started the same way 😉 . i like it, if that "old Builts made decades ago" are still in the stash and showed here. thank you!
13 January 2022, 06:22

I too appreciate the early attempts, and it's rare to see one posted here without any Ego. Thank You for this. 🤝
13 January 2022, 06:35

Ahh, the good old days! And then we discovered the tins with enamel paint. It served as paint and putty if applied thick enough 😄
The results weren't always pretty, but we did have fun!
Thanks D for helping us remember our humble beginnings, without rivet counters in our face 👍
13 January 2022, 06:45

Thank you all for your kind words! I like seeing just how far I have come as a builder, and I am glad that others can enjoy that too. No need to be embarrassed about where we started. We all were really bad at this at one point!
13 January 2022, 14:00

agreed d 😉
some of my first builds i have also in my cave. And i like them and reminds me to my beginnings and what skills i have today. After 35 Years of modeling.
14 January 2022, 08:33

copy that - remembering the old days. I enjoy your old builds definitelly. That reminds me (again), to update a album with "The blast of the past"
22 November 2023, 13:35
Album info
Built as a youth