Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat WIP

You are obviously heavily infected, but not with Covid19, but AMS😉

Yeah. I wonder where, WHERE, would that have happened to me... 😄 😄 😄

Oh... this is brave. I've built a couple of these before. They're fun, but they definitely need a lot of love and attention.

Greg, I totally remember your project (AREA 88 - F4F-4 "Boris" | Album by strobez (1:72)). You did a great job with the interior. And of course, build two... I had a weird relationship with this kit. Had it up for sale quite some time (sold the Eduard PE set and Squadron canopy for it few years ago. Dumb). It took Mssr Glinski's gentle kick to get me going on it. It's fun so far 👍
Lukasz' parallel build is here: USN Wildcat | Album by Woody (1:72)

Oh, I remember the wheel wells being a real challenge... all those sticks going everywhere! I can't wait to see how yours turns out.

I have done an Academy Wildcat with Aires cockpit, it was horrible experience. So I wish you good luck with that, you seem to have more experience with such undertaking. I have some photos of the build mixed together in my Hasegawa Wildcat album (it was double build and I still have not moved the photos to separate project).

Thanks Petře. Good to know I am not alone in my madness. It's actually coming along pretty well. The trickiest thing will be the section behind the instrument panel. Cheers 👍
Matthew - luckily the fuselage accident was a clean break, it will glue back up nicely (fingers crossed).

That's a serious build, mine will look like HB kit when parked aside😉

Welcome Cuajete.
Lukasz, I have an unfortunate tendency of making things more complicated than they need to be 😭
How is your build progressing?

I closed the canopy today (y'all can start booing now!) after trying to imitate the gunsight (had to glue it the canopy in the end). Lost the pilot stick in the process (Long live the Carpet Monster!). Main gear assembly is pending right now 🙂

Too bad about that stick, but I don't think you will see much through that canopy.
That landing gear is quite the monstrosity! Greg was right... good luck 👍

You made a terrific job fitting the cockpit inside! Klobouk dolů!

Díky. It was actually relatively easy to do. The dashboard section will be interesting…

Aires will not settle at delivering some of the best looking resin around, they also embarked on the mission of making us better modelers and learning new skills & inventive methods when we actually want to fit their parts on our models... 🙂
Excellent work - just hope the final model layout will allow a peek at the fruits of all these efforts! 👍

Thanks Gorb, welcome to the show!
Welcome Slavo. You are right about Aires. Adapting their Hasegawa cockpit to the Academy kit is actually going pretty well. Their engine is fitting even better. And yes, very little of it will be visible in the end...

Got the cockpit assembly pretty much wrapped up. Pretty happy with how it turned out. On to the wheel well and landing gear😎

Hm, that's where the Airwaves set was wrong, the desktop should be far more backwards than they suggest 🙁
Thx for the window tip, I have to sand them.

Don't worry, Alec, you'll know what's in there... and you'll have the pics to prove it!

Alec have you already investigated the drop tanks? Or are you going to skip them? I offered one of the Airwaves supports to the Carpet Monster and wonder how to scratch something at least a bit convincing 🙁

Thanks Guillaume. It worked our pretty well.
Lukasz: I do have some references for the drop tanks. I'll send you a PM.

Thanks Frank! Moved the project along a bit and have most of the interior done, ready for paint.

After the new update I would like to press the Like button a second and third time!

Well that's a bit stunning!
I had to check the scale again as I was starting to wonder if you're working on 1/32 scale kits now. 😮

You should leave the fuselage cut in half, otherwise all that excellent detailing will be lost 🙁

Thanks guys for the kind words. I am having fun with this one, although the kit is definitely past today's standards. A great bench for trying new things 👍

Got some time at the bench and managed to close up the fuselage and add the wings. Cheers.

Ah, the saga continues 👍 The amount of detail you add makes me blush 😄

Wow... Sure that is Academy's kit or the next Arma Hobby one? 😛
Great job so far, Alec! 👍

Thanks guys. Lukasz, I am a bit embarrassed how long it's taking me to get this one done. But the detailing is my favorite part, so I just go with it.
Thanks Cuajete. I was actually going to wait for the Arma kit, but then Lukasz got me all riled up on this build and well, here we are... 😄

Once they (AH) release F4F-4 version (so I can build the FAA striped one) we can repeat this GB 😛
PS. My fav part is the stash expansion 😄

Thanks gents. I got the canopy work done and have 'er primed. Gearing up for painting 👍.

WOW! Stunning work Alec.
I haven't had the chance to check on your progress for a while and I'm absolutely flabbergasted by the detail you're achieving.
It's made for a very interesting and educational morning catching up.

Amazing stuff Alec?
You made more than a lot out ofthis rather basic elder kit?

What a great build with a huge amount of care in every little step! You can see that in the result! 👍

Thank very much for the kind works guys. It took me waaaay too long to get this "quick" build done, but I just could not build it OB. The shape of this kit is just not right (fuselage) but it looks ok. Cheers!

Hello mates! Finally got around to shoot the complete model, here is the gallery album: Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat gallery | Album by Pardubak (1:72)

Your dedication on this project rerally paid off. Amazing result ??

OMG, a lot of work! But it's worth of it. Congrats, the result is amazing!

Fantastic result. Send the pictures to Academy, so they can show on the next boxing how finished model looks like.

You didn't just go the extra mile, you ran a complete friggin marathon! Awesome effort, love honest craftsmanship, dedication and a no compromise approach 👍

Guys, thanks very much for all the kudos. I no longer feel bad putting that much effort into an old kit, particularly one I slated for stash ejection 😛

I thought it was a 1:48 scale kit at first - top notch work and details. Thanks for taking the time to provide additional information of the build in your photos, it is much appreciated.

Thanks a lot guys!
John, glad you liked my build log ramblings. Welcome back to the hobby, and to Scalemates 👍

Few posts are so inspiring, thanks for sharing such amazing skills. Enhorabuena!

Excellent work !!! Conjure up such a result from this old kit, with so many modifications! Super.
I also built the kit over 20 years ago, of course not in such top condition.
The only criticism point: the position lights

Thanks very much, I appreciate it. It keeps my modeling mojo going 🙂 Damian, you are right about those position lings, I have to get better at those.

Went some way since I last checked and it's just splendour all around - can't comment much on correctness of Wildcat details, but the whole job looks awesome, great detail & paintjob all around, really like the yellow outline stars too 👍

Very stunning result by using this old kit (I know this also)!!

Your tip on photo 97 is very smart - I have had glue creep up on several sliding canopies.

More than well deserved Alec for that effort and that stunning result with this old rather mediocre kit as base 👍

This album took me more than a hour to ro through. I read ever caption, sometimes twice, and studied every image carefully. It was so entertaining and I learned so much. Amazing work. Thanks 👍🏻
Album info
The Academy kit, based on the ancient Frog kit, is fairly crude by today's standards but can still be made (I think) into a fairly good model. Major issue is the fuselage width (it's too wide) and nothing can be done about that. The windows in the lower fuselage are not tall enough (easy fix). There is really no cockpit interior and the canopy is also not right (rounded on bottom edge).
I added the Aires resin cockpit (designed for the Hasegawa kit, needed some modifications due to differences in fuselage size), Quickboost engine and SBS prop with wheels. I also used a vacuform canopy, a combination of Clear-Vax wind screen and self made sliding section. I scratched the wheel bay and landing gear.
Link to the gallery album: