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Wouter Roerdink (wouter.roerdink)

Fokker Friendship
My Friendship for Airfix

February 1, 2014
May 11, 2014

Building two Friendships of the Klu for the Facebook project: "an Airfix build for the Airfix page!"
It consists of two Friendships: C-1 in the white-grey-dayglow livery and C-2 in white and grey

Inventario del progetto

Kit completi
Fokker F27 Friendship
Airfix 1:72
A05003 2008 Nuove parti

Foto albums

11 immagini
Fokker F-27 FriendshipView album, image #1
1:72 Fokker F27 Friendship (Airfix A05003)


2 May 2014, 19:08
Wouter Roerdink Autore
The start of the project: the two kits plus some reference material and decals. Hidden in the background my next project: the Fokker F-27 Maritime
 2 May 2014, 20:20
Gordon Sørensen
Looks good so far! I started this model a while ago, but havent worked on it in a while....
 3 May 2014, 19:46
Wouter Roerdink Autore
I just put a gloss finish on them before decalling. The planes are nice but the kit is not tto good. No wonder, it is almost as old as I am: 55 years! I know there are quite a few things that should be altered, but I decided to spend not too much time on them. The impression is good and that's what counts!
 3 May 2014, 20:08