Tamiya Challenger 2 Tank
July 22, 2024All parts primed in Vallejo 73.604 surface primer. Waiting for paints to arrive so I can move forward2
July 28, 2024One of things I don’t particularly enjoy in modelling is painting wheels. Faced with 14 of them, I started doing them by hand and thought that there must be a better way. A couple of YouTube videos later, I 3D printed a circle template and found that the wheels fitted the 15mm and 12mm holes well. I sprayed the tyres with Tamiya XF-85 rubber black first then the hubs with Vallejo earth through the mask. I am pretty happy with the results.3
July 28, 2024The FDM 3D printed circle template with all except the 15 and 12 mm holes masked off. The STL file was from Thingiverse.4
July 28, 2024The tub and body top painted with Tamiya TS-46 light sand. I could only get this in a spray can which, while being convenient, delivers too much paint too fast. I prefer the control of the airbrush.5
July 29, 2024Wheels fitted. They turned out pretty well. It's two-thirds academic as the skirts on the tank cover most of the wheels!6
July 29, 2024Interesting exercise in painting the tracks before fitting. The plates are Tamiya XF-85 rubber black and the metal parts are gunmetal. I decided to airbrush them instead of hand brushing. This involved painting the gunmetal first and then masking with 1mm tape before painting the black. I am pleased with the result. It needed touching up after taking off the sprue.7
July 29, 2024Tracks fitted and main body assembled. A quick photo before the wheels are covered by the skirts.8
July 29, 2024Build complete and basic painting done. Now for weathering and panrl lining and painting the tank commander. This is a really good quality kit. Absolutely no flash and everything fits perfectly.9
July 31, 2024Three coats of Tamiya X-20A gloss clearcoat thinned with 40% X-22 thinner. Decals applied.10
July 31, 2024Nearly there. All decals applied and some panel lining and general grubbying done with 502 Abteilung modelling oil colour ABT110 heavily thinned with Abteilung odourless thinners. Another coat of clear varnish applied and now for some light desert weathering with paint and pigments.11
July 31, 2024Pictured with an Iraq desert photo in the background just as an experiment. The picture is by AFP/Ahmad Al-Rubaye.
August 1, 2024My first Tamiya kit of any type and my first
1:48 scale tank is now completed.
This is also only my second ever tank since I was a lad 60 years ago! Right, pre-excuses done - on with the narrative. This is Tamiya’s Challenger 2 MBT in Iraq 2003 paint.
The kit was superb with wonderful fit and nice detail. The tracks come in rigid parts and I prefer them to the rubber band type used on my Airfix 1:35 Tiger 1.
I used almost all Tamiya paints and varnish. I weathered it with Mig Ammo ‘dust’ and pigment and some Vallejo engine grime. Panel lines were done using Abteilung oil and odourless thinner. I need practice but I am not too displeased with the outcome. I will be buying more Tamiya kits to be sure.
6 22 July 2024, 10:47
Album info
1:48 British Challenger 2 Battle Tank.