S35E Draken Natural Metal
3 7 July 2017, 17:43

Thank you mates 🙂
Silver base (AK Xtreme Aluminium) has been painted and the next step is to paint some of the panels in different shades of silver to break up the monotony in the all silver paint scheme.
13 July 2017, 15:29

Ooh, count me in! I just bought the Eduard Draken kit (Hasegawa plastic), so I will be interested to see what you make of it!
13 July 2017, 21:00

Thanks a lot mates. Various panels on the underbelly are now painted in different shades of silver. I used the excellent Nordic Airpower #6 for reference photos.
SCM Book: Saab 35 Draken
15 July 2017, 18:46

Thank you very much fellas. All your kind comments are much appreciated.
James, the AK paint holds up OK to masking (I use almost exclusively Tamiya masking tape) but as you can see on photo #5 they aren't perfect. It is probably nothing that some micromesh and patient can fix but I think I'll wait until the panel painting is completed 🙂
Otherwise I'm pleased with the AK metal paints; they are easy to spray, easy to clean, and looks good. The downside (according to me) is that they aren't acrylics but I have yet to come across good acrylic metal paints. I have ordered some Vallejo metal colours that I will try on a P-51 project I plan to start soon.
16 July 2017, 12:19

Sharp and clean looking NMF 👍
Mats, I have the Vallejo Metall Colours and tried it on a test piece. I do not use any primer but sprayed the paint just onto the plastic surface. The result is quite nice and you can polish the paint with a cotton cloth, add a wash with oils thinned with lighter fluid, all work perfect.
Just masking is a risk, I tried Tamiya tape and it work well so far you reduce the adhesion and demask the tape very very carefully. When you pull a little faster you will rib of the paint. Maybe it will work better with a good base of primer.
16 July 2017, 16:29

Almost a shame Drakens were ever camouflaged because in NMF these look like bliss.
17 July 2017, 08:46

Thank you mates.
Chrisitan, reducing the adhesive in the tape is a good way of reducing the risk of lifted paint. I also mask as little as possible with tape (I cut thin stripes approximately 2mm wide) and use post-it and similar to mask of larger areas. So far I haven't had any more "paint lift incidents" 🙂
Jay, I agree that NMF Drakens looks good (but I think that NMF Viggens looks even better 🙂 ).
17 July 2017, 17:51

The post-it masking method is something I just recently started doing and works awesome. 😉
17 July 2017, 18:16

Thank you fellas. All the metal painting is now done. Only some details (intakes etc.) left to be painted before my favourite part; The Decals 🙂
21 July 2017, 19:05

Fantastic! I am taking notes here. I need to build a practice NMF bird again one of these days to practice for the B-58 I want to build one of these days. 🙂
26 July 2017, 16:51

Thanks a lot mates 🙂
Michael, if the B-58 is Monograms 1/48 B-58 I am so looking forward to see that build here on Scalemates 🙂 .
Valiente, I used AK Xtreme Metal black base (AK471) as primer. It sprayed on beautifully with a very glossy and smooth finish.
26 July 2017, 19:47

Thank you very much guys 🙂
All the decals (there were only 16 of them) are on and sealed with a layer of gloss varnish. Next step will be some light weathering using the Nordic Airpower #6 as a reference.
28 July 2017, 16:39

That really looks awesome Mats!
Yes, it is a 1/48 B-58 I'm planning to do. But I have to do at least a couple more NMF builds before I do that. I've only done a P-51 so far and it turned out just ok. Thinking maybe doing an F-104 and now maybe a Draken in NMF before I tackle the Hustler!
29 July 2017, 01:26

It's coming along very nicely. Last NMF I tackled was in the 1970s with a brush. I've shied away from my EE lightning and P47 I have to build, but this is encouraging.
29 July 2017, 07:33

Thank you very much mates for all you kind and encouraging comments. They are very much appreciated.
Alistair, I know that feeling 🙂 I have also an EE lightning I really want to build (Eduard's boxing of the Airfix Lightning) but have hesitated since I have been uncertain about the NMF. This build has dispelled that concern.
Marcel, for the NMF I have used AK interactive Xtreme Metal throughout; AK471 Black Primer as primer and AK479 Aluminum as base metal colour. For the different panel colours I have used AK480 Dark Aluminum, AK478 White Aluminium, AK481 Polished Aluminium, AK488 Matte Aluminum, AK485 Pale Burnt Metal, and AK486 Jet Exhaust. For the details (intake etc.) I have used Gunze H76 Burnt Iron, H95 Smoke grey, highly diluted H12 Flat black & H77 Tire black and finally Tamiya X-19 Smoke. As varnish I have so far used Mig Jimenez Glossy varnish A.MIG-091.
29 July 2017, 18:58

Thanks for sharing the details of the paints. I've got a range of Alclad II I I intend to use on my Sword EE Lightning T5. It's built but awaiting my final motivation to paint it.
30 July 2017, 00:04

Thank you mates
Most of the fuselage weathering done; basically a very thin black/grey wash/filter over the entire upper surface. I want to accentuate the transition between the fuselage and the wings a bit more and I think I will do that with some black oil. I have some Mig Jimenez oil brusher that I have never used before so let's hope I don't ruin the model completely 🙂
1 August 2017, 18:56

Just make sure there's enough acrylic varnish on your model. But I think you already know that 😉
1 August 2017, 19:14

Yes Martin but I am glad that you reminded me 🙂 I was a bit nervous regarding the washes (I used Mig Jimenez enamel based panel line washes) but everything has worked out fine so far.
I have a test piece that I have painted and weathered the same way as the model that I will test it on before using it on the actual model.
1 August 2017, 19:26

Looking great! An exercise in minimalism. Good luck with the oil brushed.
1 August 2017, 22:50

Very nicely done! I was unaware they were ever NMF. I like very much.
2 August 2017, 00:44

Thank you very much for all your kind comments mates 🙂
Thanks for that link Martin. I also looked at some of Mig Jimenez own YouTube clips about oilbrushers and I can highly recommend them; it is always nice to see a master in action.
2 August 2017, 19:36

Wow, that is absolutely stunning! A true masterpiece there. Bravo!
26 August 2017, 21:59

What a great way to start the day by reading all these kind comments; thank you all very much mates 🙂
27 August 2017, 07:40

Thanks a lot for all you kind comments mates, they are very much appreciated 🙂
28 August 2017, 17:22