May 29, 20222
May 29, 20223
June 5, 20224
July 17, 20225
July 17, 20226
July 25, 2022Ready for decals (FCM -Microscale Industries)7
July 25, 2022..some peers for a tiny base 🙂8
July 29, 2022really nice decals9
July 29, 2022..unfortunately, I have a damage, I'll sand and try to obtain more or less the same color with Gunze and paint it10
July 29, 202211
July 31, 202212
July 31, 202213
August 7, 202214
August 7, 202215
August 7, 202216
September 11, 2022building some landing gear parts17
September 11, 202218
September 11, 202219
September 11, 2022..much more better, aren't them?20
September 11, work in place21
September 11, 2022let's start with the small base...22
September 13, 202223
October 15, 202224
October 15, 2022
Project info
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