1:43 Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Timeline for Arena Modelli (ARE425) Ford Sierra RS Cosworth "Q8"
Winner Due Valli´89 #1 Cunico/Sghedoni
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![Ford Sierra RS Cosworth [V-9614-BZ] "Marlboro" (Starter )](/products/img/5/4/6/1274546-20545-50-t180.jpg)

![Ford Sierra RS Cosworth [7857 PM 92] "33 Export" (Starter )](/products/img/0/1/8/999018-20545-98-t180.jpg)

![Ford Sierra RS Cosworth [D323 TVW] (TIP-TOP TT579)](/products/img/7/9/1/993791-20545-58-t180.jpg)

Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.
Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.