1:43 Porsche 908
Timeline for GCAM (066) Porsche 908/2 K Flunder #010 "Ramona Carosserie"
Le Mans ´75 #1 Cohen-Olivar/Brachet/Carron
Full history
John Day Model Cars
Mini Racing
Provence Moulage
Model Factory Hiro
Missing info

![Porsche 908/02 K #015 [S-M 2553] "SHELL" (PIT Model )](/products/img/6/6/8/1408668-20545-98-t180.jpg)
![Porsche 908/02 K #011 [S-M 2258] "SHELL" (PIT Model )](/products/img/6/6/7/1408667-20545-78-t180.jpg)
![Porsche 908/02 K #012 [S-M 2549] "SHELL" (PIT Model )](/products/img/6/6/6/1408666-20545-99-t180.jpg)

![Porsche 908/02 K #010 [S-M 2267] "SHELL" (PIT Model 32)](/products/img/6/6/4/1408664-20545-49-t180.jpg)
![Porsche 908/02 K #013 [S-M 2551] "SHELL" (PIT Model 34)](/products/img/6/6/2/1408662-20545-84-t180.jpg)

Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.