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We don't know about any in-box reviews for this Sd.kfz.7 8Ton Half Track (#MB-011) from Hasegawa/Hales.
Erwin BOVYNSame boxart as initial kit but with blue sides instead of green and "HALES" logo beneath swastika flag.
14 July 2014, 19:22
scalematescan't you upload it with just the box art, so crop away the black areas? Would be super super cool
14 July 2014, 19:29
Reference material

Sd.Kfz. 7 Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 8t Vol. 2 Camera ON No. 17
Alan Ranger
Sd. Kfz. 7 Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 8t Camera ON No. 2
Alan Ranger
2017 All books » (11 in total)