1:43 Audi Quattro
Timeline for Scala 43 (K230) Audi Sport Quattro "HB"
Röhrl Tour de Corse 1985
Full history
Provence Moulage
Arena Modelli
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![Audi Quattro A2 [IN-NX 47] "HB" (Starter R103)](/products/img/4/8/6/1407486-20545-39-t180.jpg)
![Audi Quattro Sport E2 [IN-NW 4] "HB" (Starter R104)](/products/img/2/9/4/1410294-20545-42-t180.jpg)
![Audi Quattro Sport E2 [IN-NW 4] "HB" (Starter R171)](/products/img/4/8/9/1407489-20545-60-t180.jpg)

Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.
Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.