Er zijn geen in-box reviews bekend Fieseler Fi.156C Storch (#SC-4019) van ESCI/Scale Craft.
Christopher MullinsI have been thinking, there are many different "producers" of this kit, all having something to do with ESCI though, I think that may not be correct actually. Nowadays, you'll get a kit from Dragon for example in Germany and on the box is Carson, the importer, or you buy a Trumpeter kit and it says Faller Trumpeter. I think like on this one I have it is Humbrol Esci, this one is Scale Craft Esci, and I think those may be the importers of the kit from then maybe and have nothing to do with the production of the kit. I am just saying this because there are a lot of entries on these older kits and all the box Art is the same, and that may be using a lot of server space for something that is the same except the importer of the kit is different, really doesn't make it a different kit.
5 April 2022, 06:45