treinmodelleringsdatabase | stash managerJak-23
KP | Nr. 18 | 1:72

Inhoud van de doos
- 1x Plastic sprue 7,8 (with 2 parts | light gray or white) Bekijk
- 1x Plastic sprue 1-6,13-30 (with 24 parts | light gray or white) Bekijk
- 1x Plastic sprue 9-12 (with 4 parts | light gray or white) Bekijk
- 1x Plastic sprue 32,32 and stand (with 4 parts | clear) Bekijk
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) (with 34 decals | multi-colored) Bekijk
- 1x Instructions (Paper) box (with 2 instructions (paper)s | multi-colored) Bekijk
- 1x Instructions (Paper) (with 1 instructions (paper) | black & white) Bekijk
Yakovlev Yak-23 Flora
Yakovlev S-101 Flora
Československé vojenské letectvo (Czechoslovak Air Force 1940-1993)
- KR-51
Duralumin, Stainless steel, Medium grey - HX-51
Duralumin, Stainless steel, Medium grey
Yakovlev Yak-23
Instytut Lotnictwa (Polish Institute of Aviation 1926-now)
- LZR SP-GLK (Andrzej Abiamowitz)
September 1957 World Altitude Speed record
Wojska Lotnicze i Obrony Przeciwlotniczej Obszaru Kraju (Polish Air and Country Air Defence Forces 1954-1962)
- yellow 16
Muzeum Lotnictwa Polskiego, Krakow
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