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Bernd Korte (centuryfan)

Canberra PR.9 XH175 - Xtrakit 1/72


82 26 September 2021, 19:01
Bernd Grün
27 September 2021, 14:41
Łukasz Gliński
Ah, that's the one, me 2
27 September 2021, 14:58
David R. Meizoso
I'm also in. Your previous works look amazing btw, just ran into them a moment ago.
28 September 2021, 19:05
Christian Bruer
Good start, count me in 🙂
28 September 2021, 20:44
Guy Rump
Looking impressive, following 👍
10 October 2021, 12:14
Bernd Korte
Thanks guys! Progress is slow but steady so far. The navigator's cockpit took quite some time as I first needed to sort out what I wanted to show and where I could get the parts from - the kit, Eduard's PE set and some scratch built.
10 October 2021, 12:20
10 October 2021, 12:20
Oliver Zwiener
Abendschule für Modellbauer , die noch etwas lernen wollen , nehme gerne Platz 😉
10 October 2021, 19:20
Juergen Klinglhuber
wird schon wieder voll der Lehrgang,...😉
10 October 2021, 19:55
Pierre-Christian Baudru
Good job !
11 October 2021, 06:51
Bernd Korte
Thanks a lot for your comments! Both cockpits (pilot and navigator) have now been glued in one of the fuselage halves. I am still not sure if I should glue the clear part for the camera windows into one half of the fuselage already now, or if it is better to put it into the complete fuselage later.
16 October 2021, 16:00
Good progress, Bernd 👍
16 October 2021, 17:34
Hanno Kleinecke
A lot of effort invested into the cockpits, looking great ! Checkin' in on this one…
17 October 2021, 21:24
Łukasz Gliński
Thanks for sharing the fuselage hint. I find it v.helpful 👍
17 October 2021, 21:47
Thomas Kolb
Great tips and I love the narration to the pictures! It looks like another beautiful build.
18 October 2021, 10:16
Bernd Korte
The thing with the stretched sprue worked ok, not perfect. I still had to fill a few tiny holes. I'll try to make my own "liquid plastic" as to Thomas Kolb's instructions. One question for Thomas: did you use a new full bottle of Tamiya Extra Thin Cement and put the sprue bits in it - or did you use a bottle with only a bit of cement left?
24 October 2021, 16:17
Robert Podkoński
Ambitious! I will follow with interest and pleasure, of course!
24 October 2021, 17:10
Thomas Kolb
Bernd, I use a brand new bottle and drop in small pieces of sprue. It takes about a week before the 'witches brew' is fully usable, but after that, it is by far the best filler material I have ever tried. The only downside is that it takes quite some time to dry. Sanding is fine after 24 hours, but if you need to rescribe in the new surface, you should wait at least a couple of days.
24 October 2021, 21:32
Sparky Rogers
Looking great so far. I'm building this kit currently too, though all the pics are in my Instagram
13 November 2021, 11:29
Bernd Korte
Thanks you, Robert, Thomas and Sparky!
@Thomas: I'll try that! I have already bought a new bottle of Tamiya extra thin cement at my LHS. How big were the bits of sprue? Like 5 mms? Or do they need to be smaller?
@Sparky: I found your insta account. You're already far ahead of my build. I still need to attach the wings - and I can also already see this will not be an easy task.
13 November 2021, 13:13
Thomas Kolb
Bernd, I just cut them up in small pieces, like 5-10 mm or so, thinking that smaller pieces will dissolve more quickly. It takes a few days for everything to turn to a gray goo, just give the bottle a shake now and then. Just don't apply too thick layers , or it will create a crust and the deeper layers will then take weeks to solidify.
13 November 2021, 18:13
Bernd Korte
I've used some dissolved plastic on the jet exhaust tubes and it worked fine! Thanks again for the hint, Thomas!
By the way, does anyone know a good sanding product to sand round parts like tubes from the inside? I know the Albion Alloys sanding needles but I'm not really happy with them - I'm explaining why in the caption of the latest photo.
20 November 2021, 20:06
Thomas Kolb
Bernd, I am glad to have provided a useful tip! Regarding the sanding needles, my experiences exactly - not recommended at all. I have resorted to use slices of sanding paper wrapped around a cocktail stick. It is not very convenient but does the trick.
20 November 2021, 20:41
Bernd Korte
Yes, I've also helped myself with some sanding paper and toothpicks. But I really wish there was a round grinding tool - preferably one where the diameter can be adjusted.
20 November 2021, 21:16
Oleg Smilyk
Looks great, Bernd! I really like the detailing!👍
6 December 2021, 18:33
I agree with Oleg 👍
6 December 2021, 18:44
Oliver Zwiener
Alles Liebe und Gute zum Nikolaus - hohoho 😉
6 December 2021, 19:51
Thomas Kolb
Nice progress, the lenses for the lights is a great idea!
6 December 2021, 21:38
Bernd Korte
Thanks, Oleg, Cuajete, Oliver and Thomas!
The wings needed more time than anticipated. I completed them including the engine nacelles before they were glued to the fuselage. Now I'm waiting for the putty to dry in order to sand the wings-fuselage joints.
I already start looking forward to build a more "shake-n-bake" kit after this one 😄
With the wings on it starts to become clear how big the model will be in the end. The Canberra was no little jet for sure.
18 December 2021, 14:16
Thomas Kolb
I know the feeling ... those level 1 Airfix kits are great to restore sanity. But just keep soldering on, the end result will be worth it! It's a big bird for sure.
18 December 2021, 14:58
Good progress, Bernd.
And thanks for your advise with the putty and thin plastic cement 👍
18 December 2021, 19:27
Bernd Korte
Thanks Cuajete, glad to be of help!
@Thomas: The next project has already been decided: it will be Bandai's Y-Wing. A Christmas present for my brother - even though it won't be finished until after Christmas. Last year (actually it was at the beginning of 2021) I've already built Bandai's B-Wing which was a treat! Just painting and glueing.
19 December 2021, 17:34
Bernd, this is how all kits should be. Especially for those of us who have a lot to do 😄
19 December 2021, 18:42
Fascinating build! 👍
19 December 2021, 19:36
Bernd Grün
Very nice build with great effort. Looks nice.
20 December 2021, 09:07
Bernd Korte
Thanks a lot Rui and Bernd!
My build is slowly coming together. Again and again I am slowed down by necessary changes in details as I want to build a "middle"-PR.9 1979 whereas the Xtrakit is originally meant to be the latest Canberra PR.9 version. I already know that I probably won't pick up/notice all the necessary changes.
27 December 2021, 14:38
Good progress, Bernd 👍
27 December 2021, 18:54
Bernd Korte
Thanks again Cuajete!
The cockpit area is now more or less finished. Next I'll glue the windscreen in place.
31 December 2021, 13:12
Fantastic cockpit, Bernd.
Happy New Year!
31 December 2021, 18:41
Christian Lehmann
2 January 2022, 12:18
Mirko Römer
2 January 2022, 13:20
Oliver Zwiener
Bei all dem Zubehör kommt es auf die 3 € auch nicht mehr an - richtige Entscheidung ! 👍
2 January 2022, 18:59
Bernd Korte
Saturday afternoon was spent painting the first "real" colour. I chose Xtracrylix for the "RAF Light Aircraft Grey" as I thought they probably know what they are doing when it comes to RAF colours - being a Hannant's brand and all.
@Oliver: Ja, ich bereue die Entscheidung nicht! Das kleine Pitotrohr sieht wirklich gut aus.
8 January 2022, 20:08
Michael Kohl
I log myself into this build too. And already two useful tricks learned. Thanx for sharing. Wish you good progress.
15 January 2022, 18:18
Bernd Korte
Thanks, Michael! Of course, all the hints I'm giving here are not my own but read elsewhere on the internet or seen in some Youtube tutorial.
The main paint job is now done. Overall, I am quite satisfied. Even if the transitions from dark green to dark sea grey could be a little smoother.
16 January 2022, 20:26
Bernd Korte
I've hit some kind of dead end for the moment 🙁 It occured to me that neither the Model Alliance sheet I'm using for XH175 nore the Xtrakit decal sheet offer the 70's/80's style stencils 🙁. Does anyone have a spare sheet of Revell's boxing of the ex-Matchbox Canberra PR.9 in 1/72nd scale? On that one there are the "old school" stencils I'm looking for.
23 January 2022, 09:59
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic work so far, Bernd, nevertheless. I am impressed with these painted details.
23 January 2022, 10:51
Bernd Korte
Thanks, Robert!
In the end, I could have saved painting the tank nozzles. I was lucky and found a Revell Canberra online at a reasonable price. In parallel, I also discovered that there is a Canberra PR.9 decalsheet from Modeldecal (#85). Now I had enough stencils to proceed - including some for the tank nozzles. However, the latter decals are very thick and Mr. Mark Softer had little effect. Fortunately, my LHS had Mark Fit Super Strong in stock. This made it easier to tame the Modeldecal stencils.
And there are really lots of stencils! I guess this will take me another weekend!
5 February 2022, 22:03
Guy Rump
Looking really good Bernd. 👍
5 February 2022, 22:46
I agree with Guy 👍
6 February 2022, 10:05
Bernd Korte
Thanks Guy and Cuajete! I've now added some washing and weathering. Nothing too heavy though as my reference photos show an aircraft that seems to be in very good shape. After all they couldn't allow to accumulate too much dirt as that would have slowed down the defenseless recce-jet!
13 February 2022, 12:01
Mirko Römer
Great progress, the decent weathering looks pretty convincing!
13 February 2022, 13:01
13 February 2022, 18:16
Bernd Korte
Thanks a lot, Mirko and Ekki!
The other day I almost had a nervous breakdown when I pulled off some masking tape and with it part of an underlying quite prominent stencil. I had applied the masking tape around the black escape hatch area of the navigator in order to spray a flat finish on it. Of course, I had protected all decals with a layer of Future - or so I thought. Well, nothing I could do anymore for that poor decal which is now a bit smaller than before.
A day later, while trying to add some small PE part to the windscreen, it fell into the cockpit and dissapreared into the fuselage, never to be seen again. Not sure if my neighbours heard me swearing afterwards or if the walls were thick enough.
In the "grand scheme" of things these are, of course, only very small setbacks.
19 February 2022, 17:18
Robert Podkoński
Keep calm and carry on, Bernd 😉 You're approaching the finish line in fantastic style here!
19 February 2022, 18:19
Bernd Korte
Thanks for the encouragement! Talking about style: The "disruptive camouflage" only won by a whisker against the early all silver version of the PR.9 when I picked out the colour scheme before starting the build. And that was mainly because I already had a decal sheet shelved for this version and not for the silver one. But in the end I liked the camouflaged scheme the more I worked on it.
19 February 2022, 21:23
Mirko Römer
Almost there! 👍 Just looked up on my cupboard with an Airfix PR.9 staring at me and saying:"Build me in Chilean markings!" 🙂
19 February 2022, 21:26
Łukasz Gliński
Not as cool choice as the hemp one, but still waaay nicer than a silver one ;p
Can't stand waiting to see it finished 👍
20 February 2022, 12:31
Bernd Korte
Thanks Mirko and Łukasz! Yes, Mirko, the Chilean ones look very nice, too! Plus they come with an interesting history.
I'm proceeding slowly but steadily. This weekend I'm attaching air scoops and antennas as well as the landing gear and wheels. A few of the air scoops are missing in the kit and need to be scratch built.
26 February 2022, 21:53
Oliver Zwiener
Der tailsitter ist wirklich ein Jammer trotz der Bleibirne 🙁 ! Ich hatte bei meiner das gleiche Problem, das hilft nur noch eine transparente, wenig sichtbare Stütze unter dem Rumpf
27 February 2022, 09:02
Bernd Korte
Oliver, in fact I'm considering fixing the nose landing gear with some kind of hook or pin to the display plate I'm currently preparing. I hope I'll finish everything in time for Lingen.
The nose has now been glued in the open position and all the small items like seats and antennas have been added. The model itself now only needs its canopy and the aerial wire.
13 March 2022, 20:40
Bernd Korte
Finally the model is finished! I had some trouble adding the aerial antenna wire and the open canopy. But in the end everything worked out when I combined patience and curses.
I'll now work on the display base, in fact it's alreay quite advanced. So at the moment it looks like I will be in fact able to show the Canberra at the Lingen EME show next weekend!
19 March 2022, 20:11
Łukasz Gliński
Amazing, wish I could go to Lingen to behold it 👍
(even though I prefer straight nose Canberras 😉
19 March 2022, 20:23
Guy Rump
Beautiful job Bernd, my dad flew in PR 7s and worked with the PR 9s in the 50s and 60s. I'd really like to find a PR 7 model one day. 👍
19 March 2022, 20:28
Fantastic result, Bernd.
19 March 2022, 21:00
Oliver Zwiener
Klasse Ding !!! Dann hüte auf der Fahrt nach Lingen das gute Stück bloß wie Deinen Aufapfel 😉
20 March 2022, 09:07
Bernd Korte
Thanks a lot Łukasz, Guy, Cuaete and Oliver! I'm happy that I managed to finish the project in time for next week's model show in Lingen, Germany.
@Łukasz: The open nose definitely breaks up the sleek silhouette. But once I decided on it there was no way to omit this feature 😄
@Guy: A state-of-the-art model of a PR.7 would definitely be most welcome! By the way I'm right now reading "Canberra Boys" by Andrew Brookes where the author has collected stories and memories of Canberra crews of all marks. Perhaps you might also be interested in it,
@Oliver: Yes, I'll now construct a safe transport box for the model to get it to Lingen by train unharmed.
20 March 2022, 16:58
Nice display base, Bernd... Looks great on dio!
20 March 2022, 19:27
Hanno Kleinecke
I'm really impressed by your result, a great paintjob and great depth in detail !
20 March 2022, 20:41
Fantastic result. Very impressive. Excellent display.
Good luck at Lingen.
20 March 2022, 21:10
Bernd Korte
Thanks a lot, Cuajete, Hanno and Ekki!
Everything is now packed and ready for travel day to Lingen tomorrow! I'm very much looking forward to it after two years without any model shows.
24 March 2022, 18:07
Robert Podkoński
I will keep my fingers crossed, Bernd! 🙂
24 March 2022, 18:32
Good luck in Lingen, Bernd!
It will look great among other works of art 👍
24 March 2022, 19:00
Daniel Mysak
Very nice and clean build. 👍 Looking forward to keep an eye on it at EME.
24 March 2022, 19:33
Bernd Korte
Back from Lingen where everything went well despite transporting my models by train! It was a very nice event and it was great to talk to so many people after two years without the show.
@Daniel Mysak: I just realized now that it was you with that excellent Swedish Canberra!
29 March 2022, 06:37
Sparky Rogers
Did the primer work ok? I've started spraying Vallejo primer on mine but where I've gone back and sanded a seam the primer is peeling off because the plastic is so shiny
10 November 2022, 20:45
Michael Kohl
Sparky, this is a problem not so rarely seen with acrylic primers and the reason why I do not use them anymore. Solvent based primers are much less prone to this problem. Prepping the surface with Isopropyl alcohol might ameliorate it.
10 November 2022, 22:22
Bernd Korte
As Michael suggested I wiped down the model with a cloth and alcohol. That worked for me and I didn't have any trouble with peeling off primer. On the other hand I sanded the primer only very carefully after the primer had time to fully cure. But I remember that I had to experiment quite a bit to find the best mix/dilution for the Vallejo primer. I used a large needle but had to pause and remove dried primer from the nozzle every few minutes. That made working with this acrylic primer quite time consuming.
11 November 2022, 22:45
Ricardo Reis
Turned out really well, another great build, congrats Bernd!
12 November 2022, 02:25
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
12 November 2022, 04:48
Superb work and presentation! Trully impressive!
15 November 2022, 14:33

Project info

62 afbeeldingen
1:72 Canberra PR.9 (Xtrakit XK72004)1:72 Canberra PR.Mk.9 Undercarriage bays (CMK 7182)1:72 Canberra PR.9 (Eduard 73352)1:72 EE Canberra PR.9 wheels set (Scale Resin 7310)1:72 RAF B(I).8 & PR.9 Canberra's Pt II (Model Alliance MA-72146)1:72 Canberra PR.9 (Eduard CX251)1:72 BAC/EE Canberra Pitot Tube (Master AM-72-143)

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