P-51D KM112
59 3 January 2022, 20:32

Glad to see y'all here. Stay tuned, will continue on Saturday, once back from the south.
3 January 2022, 21:13

Welcome eveyone and best regards from Al-Andaluz 😉
PS. Si, got all these damn QRs with me 😉
5 January 2022, 15:15

Welcome y'all!
Back from my short holidays - started cutting the fuselage today, while the seatbelts are still somewhere on the way from the shop.
@Cuajete: Gracias Señor, that was very nice trip indeed 🙂
9 January 2022, 20:27

Welcome back! If I know you, you will be swooshing by my slow project like a flock of ... Mustangs.
10 January 2022, 07:20

Well, the resin thingy will slow me down for sure, check it out 😉
14 January 2022, 19:50

Progress looks fine to me! The resin part is a conversion to another Mustang version, right?
15 January 2022, 08:36

Yes, P-51K as far as I'm concerned. And the new prop is included as well. The only difference on the fuselage are these tiny outlet 'flaps', currently available in other sets, but I didn't want to throw that old set away.
15 January 2022, 10:37

Soon, I hope 🙂 Meanwhile the maskol is drying in order to start priming.
19 January 2022, 19:28

I'm looking for a liquid mask like Maskol that I can leave on models for a long time without spoiling it.
19 January 2022, 19:50

I had other challenge - finding one that can be stored for a long time and Vallejo failed such test. The one you see here is Wamod, got it 2 weeks ago, let's see how it behaves.
19 January 2022, 20:59

Thanks mates, started painting yesterday.
@Cuajete: that Wamod thingy seems quite nice, stinks as all of them, but seems to do its job. And is quite cheap too. Will see how it behaves when stored for a longer while.
7 February 2022, 19:26

Metallized looks so good, Łukasz 👍
Thanks for the information. Waiting for more time your comments 😉
7 February 2022, 19:55

All credits to Mr.Hobby SM paints, they are very easy to handle (and resistant), way better than Alclads for example.
7 February 2022, 22:03

Thanks, I hope you like my postshading attempts too 🙂
16 February 2022, 16:16

Looking sweet - that metal finish is just lovely! I cannot wait to restart my Mustang project again!
16 February 2022, 18:01

Thx mates, I'm glad to see you like it. The SM paints are really easy to handle, even for me 😄
Thomas, looking forward to seeing your green-blue one, the Swedish camo looks great on P-51s.
16 February 2022, 18:13

Thx Jan. Small update before a week of break - added the MGs, yellow leading edges and started the prop painting.
Had issues with the guns, the 1,2mm drill requested in instruction turned out to be too thin - my advice: get them done before painting.
17 February 2022, 21:09

Gracias, added some updated pics today.
Still looking for the kill markings replacement, as you see the white is out of register 🙁
28 February 2022, 20:43

Nice looking NMF, Lukasz! Looks like the decals went down great, too.
1 March 2022, 00:44

Thanks mates, need to solve the kill markings issue and it's gonna be ready for the final matt varnish.
6 March 2022, 19:22

Dzięki Patryk. 🙂 Finished the bugger today, hangar pics to follow tomorrow.
8 March 2022, 20:24

Looks fantastic! (and the lettering on the bottom of the wing is really surprising - do you know why it was like this?)
8 March 2022, 20:47

Robert, the AJ Press book states that it was misinterpretation of the orders of painting them to be readable from the tip of the wing towards the fuselage 🙂
8 March 2022, 21:12

Very nice result, Łukasz!
Waiting for the hangar pics 👍
How did Wamod's liquid mask turn out after all this time on it?
9 March 2022, 19:05

Thanks a lot, enjoy the hangar pics, just uploaded 🙂
@Cuajete: The mask behaved very well and it's still fluid in its jar.
10 March 2022, 20:42