Leather and BucklesAK11620 - 6x 17mlFargeinfoNavn: Leather and BucklesFarge:AK11620 (11620)Emballasje:Eske (6x 17ml)Utvalg:AK 3rd Generation - FigureInkluderte fargerAK 11210 Natural SteelAK 3rd Generation 117ml (Øyedråpe)MetalliskAkrylAK 11110 Leather Brown - StandardAK 3rd Generation 17ml (Øyedråpe)MattAkrylAK 11026 Tenebrous Grey - StandardAK 3rd Generation 17ml (Øyedråpe)MattAkrylAK 11058 Decomposed Flesh - StandardAK 3rd Generation 17ml (Øyedråpe)MattAkrylAK 11078 Medium Orange - StandardAK 3rd Generation 17ml (Øyedråpe)MattAkrylAK 11193 Rusty Gold - MetallicAK 3rd Generation 17ml (Øyedråpe)MetalliskAkryl