togmodelleringsdatabase | samlingsverktøyMesserschmitt Bf 109G-6
"Danubian users" (Limited Edition)
AZmodel | Nr. AZ7458 | 1:72
Eskens innhold
- 1x Plastic sprue Bf 109G sprue A (brown) Se
- 1x Plastic sprue Bf 109G sprue B (brown) Se
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) Bf 109G stencils (multi-colored) Se
- 1x Reference: CP1, CP2 Plastic sprue Standard canopy (clear) Se
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) AZ7458 markings (multi-colored) Se
- 1x Instructions (Paper) AZ7458 box (multi-colored) Se
Messerschmitt Bf 109
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6
Magyar Királyi Honvéd Légierő (Royal Hungarian National Defense Air Force 1942-1945)
- 101/I FG 95 226/V.8+10 (Maj. Aladar Heppes)
Mai 1944 World War 2 - Veszprém
Aeronautica Regală Română (Romanian Royal Aeronautics 1915-1941)
- 9 Grupul White 3 (Capt. Constantin Contacuzino)
1944 World War 2 - Vânătoare
Narodnooslobodilačka vojska (National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia 1941-1945)
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/R3
Slovenske Povstalecke Letectvo (Slovak Insurgent Air Force 1944)
- Kombinovaná Letka W.Nr.161742 (František Hanovec)
August 1944 World War 2 - Tri Duby
Rask titt
Last ned | 2007Kb (.pdf)
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