togmodelleringsdatabase | samlingsverktøy

WWI German U-Boat SM U9

Das Werk | Nr. DW72001 | 1:72

Boxart U-Boat SM U9 DW72001 Das Werk


145 bilder
S.M. U9View album, image #6
S.M. U9 by Das Werk with PE from RCSubs and some 3D-printed accessories by me. Crew is by Das Werk, too.
Prosjekt: S.M. U9
1:72 U-Boat SM U9 (Das Werk DW72001)1:72 SM U-9 - PE Detail Set (RCSubs SKU-092)1:72 SM U9 Deck Crew Set (Das Werk DWF012)1+
6 bilder
U-Boot SM U9 - Das Werk 1:72View album, image #1
1:72 U-Boot SM U-9 (RC Subs SKU-093)1:72 U-Boot SM U-9 - Deck & Details (RC Subs SKU-092)1:72 U-Boat SM U9 (Das Werk DW72001)2+
17 bilder
SM U9 of the Kaiserliche MarineView album, image #1
Prosjekt: U-Boot SM U9
1:72 U-Boat SM U9 (Das Werk DW72001)No High Elastic Rigging Thread (Uschi van der Rosten 4006)
12 bilder
SM U-9 German WWI Submarine 1/72View album, image #1
1:72 U-Boat SM U9 (Das Werk DW72001)
197 bilder
MyAlbum: S.M. Unterseeboot U9 Class - U-9View album, image #127
Prosjekt: SM U-9
1:72 U-Boot SM U-9 - Deck & Details (RC Subs SKU-092)1:72 U-Boot SM U-9 (RC Subs SKU-093)1:72 U-Boat SM U9 (Das Werk DW72001)3+