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F-15E Strike Eagle

Dual Roles Fighter w/New Targeting Pod & Ground Attack Weapons

Great Wall Hobby | Nr. L4822 | 1:48

Boxart F-15E Strike Eagle L4822 Great Wall Hobby


5 bilder
F-15E 'Strike Eagle' OIF View album, image #1
1:48 F-15E Strike Eagle (Great Wall Hobby L4822)
44 bilder
F-15e "spirit of Goldsboro"View album, image #27
1:48 F-15E Strike Eagle (Great Wall Hobby L4822)1:48 AIM-120 (A/B) AMRAAM missile (ResKit RS48-0086)1:48 AIM-9X Sidewinder missile (ResKit RS48-0239)3+
91 bilder
Mountain Home F-15E Commission buildView album, image #89
Still adding details to the backside of the CFT and the scratch-built CFT dolly, and the tow bar is taking shape!
1:48 F-15E Strike Eagle (Great Wall Hobby L4822)1:48 F-15 B/D Big Set (Black Dog A48097)
11 bilder
F-15E LN OIRView album, image #1
Prosjekt: F-15E OIR
1:48 F-15E Strike Eagle (Great Wall Hobby L4822)1:48 F-15E Pylons + Rails (Kopecky Scale Models 48004)1:48 F-15E Centerline Pylon (Kopecky Scale Models 48009)5+
29 bilder
F-15EX FINISHEDView album, image #26
Prosjekt: F-15EX
1:48 F-15E Strike Eagle (Great Wall Hobby L4822)1:48 F-15SG conversion set (BAM Models BAM48011gwh)