lhlcllllx97 There has been no definitive version of the Tiger 2 tank on the market. I hope this will be the definitive version and correct all the assembly and detail problems that appeared in other manufacturers.
Trez @ Ronald Barboza - this can only be considered hearsay! ('It is said…' means 'I don't know if it's true or not so I will gossip and make something up!' )I don't think this person knows what they are talking about. This OP has ONE kit in his stash and it's a pretend Tiger II. I do have this kit so if you have any questions please ask away. 🫡
6 February, 13:33
Kesa Tiho Trez just give up no one is on your side. The only reason I'm also not lashing out is because I'm deathly scared of Tim.
You should be able to see that you aren't welcome from the fact that Ryan got 14 likes on his comment.