Zvezda th Russian BMP 2-D
April 28, 2015first impression was a simple looking kit the instructions were basic and easy to follow2
April 28, 2015just a couple of hours work to get this far3
April 28, 2015Now I am thinking about scratch building an interrior but going to sleep on it first as I was going to make this a build out of the box4
April 28, 2015I left some of the sprue joins to clean up later as I am trying to do this in a different way to my normal way5
July 8, 2015after putting a primer and an oxide coat I then covered the BMP in camo green6
July 8, 2015working with different mediums and playing around with them to see what effects that we can get this one shows some burnt steel after slippage7
July 8, 2015I have oversprayed some of the camo green paint this is so that I can lift the paint to get some natural looking damage and rust streaks8
July 8, 2015showing some weathering techniques and the different layers of paint through the chipping and scratching9
July 8, 2015another photo showing the way I am trying to get as natural impression10
July 8, 2015showing again some more weathering and the true metal effects for inside the track and also on the running track11
July 8, 2015another track weathering with some light rust and silver12
July 8, 2015top and hull done just adding sides13
July 8, 2015front view14
July 8, 2015side view15
July 8, 2015back view16
July 8, 2015overspray with the grey paint so that I can achieve the effect with the weathering17
July 8, 2015doors on the back18
July 8, 2015primed and ready for painting the box19
July 8, 2015Turret primed20
August 7, 2015showing the side view of the turret21
August 7, 2015Using science putty for masking22
August 7, 2015starting to make the wood have an old effect23
August 7, 201524
August 7, 2015Finished painting and now going to apply some more weathering25
August 7, 2015Finished painting now on to weathering26
August 7, 2015Close up view showing weathering to stowage box and rust effects27
August 7, 2015Opposite side showing weathering first coat28
August 7, 2015rear view showing stowage box and rear of the BMP29
August 7, 2015second lot of weathering done30
August 7, 2015close up showing roll of leather that goes over vent to stop water or dust getting inside31
August 7, 2015Rear view showing extra stowage made out of putty32
August 7, 2015Side view showing weathering from the opposite side33
August 7, 2015Close up showing the use of the overspray to make it look like the paint is lifting up and rust forming under it34
August 7, 2015Top down view showing the tarpaulin under the barrel35
August 7, 2015Last picture just showing the weathering on wheels side panels
19 March 2025, 06:52 -
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to build from the box and see where we get with it maybe some diorama vignette will have to wait and see