Zvezda Pak 36
4 June 2015, 20:17

As I am very much interested in the PaK 36 as a subject I will follow closely. Carry on, Philipp!👍
The Zvezda kit looks good. The surface details on the shield are convincing. What is your opinion about this kit?
5 June 2015, 04:34

Thank you Ulf! The Zvezda Pak is very nice. The gun shield is a little thick, but it's possible to carefully sand it thinner around the edges. The overall details and fit of parts are good too. The best however are the figures that come with it, these are absolutely perfect. I only replaced the helmets because those that come with it have detail on the inside that would be completely wasted because you'd see nothing of it.
There's also a lot of ammunition included, both boxes and single shells.
5 June 2015, 11:09

I forgot to mention the gun barrel is made of two halves. It should be no problem to use, but since the replacement by RB Model is extremely cheap I saw no reason not to use it. 🙂
5 June 2015, 11:11

The figures really look great together! However their winter clothing recommends them for the middle and later period of the war, like you've chosen.
5 June 2015, 13:02

Yes, the uniforms are a bit of a problem. Thankfully we have the Dragon Pak 36 with a crew in early uniforms. I've got that one too 🙂
5 June 2015, 13:28