Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat gallery
29 28 May 2021, 02:28

The photo montage is as nice as the model alone 👍 It is build so clean it could be much bigger scale.
28 May 2021, 11:01

Can you still try to reposition the drop tanks? I believe they are wrongly fited. The seam line is to be «horizontal» not vertical. Ypu can also remove them. It will still be a beautifull model. ?
28 May 2021, 19:24

Your Corel concepts are always very cool 👍 And you don't have to stick to a single background 😉
28 May 2021, 21:08

Thanks very much guys, much appreciated.
Lukasz- until I build my own hangar, I am stuck with digital montages. But I agree, it does have flexibility 👍
Hi Jorge- the drop tanks were actually supplied with the seams vertically (as I have depicted) as well as horizontally positioned (as in the kit). This is supported by several photographs I have found and described in the references (I can look up specifics if you are interested 👍 ). Cheers.
29 May 2021, 14:49

I had to get a hangar as I'm unable to learn using anything more than MSPaint 😄
29 May 2021, 18:13

Hi Alec. It looks odd to me but I checked and you are right. I have that model from academy and they are horizontaly fitted as per the assembly instructions. Nice model anyway. ?
30 May 2021, 07:45

Wonderful, what a modelling gem! The photo-manipulation is quite worth seeing, congratz!
30 May 2021, 09:21
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