Mc Donnell F3-H2 Demon
34 10 January 2022, 16:43

Thank you all 😄 ! Next are the coroguards on the leading edges of wings, fin and stabilizers.
Masking in the making......
14 April 2022, 06:46

Looks ever better! Makes me want to build one too - is there an aftermarket decalset for your version?
30 April 2022, 18:08

Thank you Thomas ! I would like to see your interpretation of the Demon very much 👍
Unfortunately, there is no decalset as far as I know. Fortunately there is only Numbers and lettering that hast to be printed.
30 April 2022, 18:31

It's a beauty! …. I challenge the "done" part. The project picture of the real thing suggests orange wingtips to me.
Realized this only now
9 May 2022, 16:45

Thank you mates !
@ Thomas the 5254 had them, the 5257 did not, sorry, no orange wingtips 😄
I added both pictures in the beginning before final decision was made, which one it would be. In the end I went for the latter, because the orange part on the aft fuselage was larger.
9 May 2022, 17:24