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Ben M
Ben M

Royal Netherlands Navy Ryan STM-S2

Ryan STM-S2
NL Militaire Luchtvaart van het Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger (Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force 1915-50)
December 1, 2018
December 8, 2019

Ryan STM-2 built from 1:48 Testors/Hawk kit.


Ryan PT-20 Trainer
Testors 1:48 O
510 1983 Ny boks


21 bilder
Ryan STM-S2View album, image #18
1:48 Ryan PT-20 Trainer (Testors 510)

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Netherlands & Indonesia
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9 October 2018, 01:34
Ben M Forfatter
I have a rebox of this kit that isn't in the database. I need to learn how to add it to the database. Also I want to learn how to do rigging and how to do a wash to enhance panel lines as part of this project.
 9 October 2018, 01:44
Ben M Forfatter
Resources for this project:

Youtube Video

 9 October 2018, 01:45
Ben M Forfatter
Youtube Video
 9 October 2018, 02:05
Ben M Forfatter
Dear mates, if anyone has a small 1:48 or large 1:72 aircooled engine cylinder in the spare parts bin, I could use it to go inside the cowling. Also I would swap one of the 1:48 pilot figures for a different one so I don't have two identical twins in my trainer.
 3 December 2018, 14:42
Ben M Forfatter
Nope... I cut open the nose to open up the air intakes so now I need something to put in there. I bet I can scratch something out of my junk drawer, maybe alternating sized washers on a small bolt.
 3 December 2018, 17:15
Ben M Forfatter
I've moved in enough in my new place to where I can have some fun. The two identical pilots were going to look kind of weird, so I tried a resin pilot, but the resin pilot has a comparatively huge head which made the original pilot look microcephalic. So I decapitated one of the original pilots and rotated and tilted his head a bit.
 18 May 2019, 23:50
Ben M Forfatter
I've moved in enough in my new place to where I can have some fun. The two identical pilots were going to look kind of weird, so I tried a resin pilot, but the resin pilot has a comparatively huge head which made the original pilot look microcephalic. So I decapitated one of the original pilots and rotated and tilted his head a bit.
 19 May 2019, 02:22
Ben M Forfatter
All done!
 9 December 2019, 01:49
Fantastic. You seem to have an interest in KNIL aircraft like I have in Japanese and Italian - the more uncommon the better. I like that. There was a great KNIL veterans site a few years ago (don't remember the URL sadly though) where some KNIL Dutch pilots of some lend-lease Walrus flying boats told about there experience during a fighting retreat on Java in early 1942. In any case great job on a rare aircraft in an even rarer livery.
 7 May 2020, 02:32