The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild
20 August 2012, 11:05

This is my first try to build a Kingtiger. With this kit, i can build oob, nothing else is needed. Fortunately this one is a very late type, so no Zimmerit will be applyed (Pooohhh)!😢
20 August 2012, 13:19

Hi Holy
You are afraid of Zimmerit????Its one of the easiest things to do. 😉
No ,just a joke.
Why dont you build Allied Force models ,there you dont need Zimmerit 🙂
20 August 2012, 14:02

One day i´ll make some Zimmerit but as a fan of late type´s i dont need to build it too often😢
20 August 2012, 14:37

Thats not a bad idea, Aghis! With a lots of leaves on it and burned out? Somewhere far beyond the german border in france...
20 August 2012, 15:19

Yees could be, or ...broken down, abandoned and rusty, very rusty... In any case this tank is impressive in any way it is displayed.
20 August 2012, 15:26

Great start Holger!!! Photo one reminds me of a woodlouse, now that is not supposed to be an insult. It's just without the tracks on it, they look like the legs of a woodlouse... Just me I'm affraid Lol🙂🙂🙂
20 August 2012, 16:10

Thank you guys! To be honest, im not sure about the camo... As usual with me, the work with the airbrush will show if i'm satisfied or not! Maybe an "ambush-camo" or something completely different😢 But nothing with red primer or this terrible choclade brown! I model, therefore i am!😢
20 August 2012, 18:06

Hi Holger, that kit has nice details. Enjoy building! How long will it take?
Jümmers sacht!
20 August 2012, 19:17

Hi Holger!
Did you ever see the "Octopus Tiger" which was captured by the US near Kassel ? Very interesting and unic camo. Just an idea...
20 August 2012, 19:56

Mike: Oh yes , i have...😢
Acki: Doa kenn´s wohl seggen, ick ward mohl kieken watt dat werden schall! Jümmers moij to schnack mit di!😢
Thomas: Yes you are right its Dragons 6232 with the late track pattern type, a nice kit so far!🙂
Andre: Thank you very much!!!
Christian: No, i dont know something about that Tiger, but in 5 minutes i will scan the net about it, thanks for info!!!🙂
Kim: Thank you, i need some motivation!
21 August 2012, 06:32

Hi Holger
Wow,youre are working on all Fronts (Vietnam Dio and now a Tiger)
Looks good!
21 August 2012, 06:38

Hi Markus! Nomally i only work on one model but i was tempted to lay my hands on something new... 1:35 becomes one of my favorite scales! And it was time to build a Kingtiger😢!
21 August 2012, 06:50

Great start Holger, I'm tuned, sometime must you have do to something different, thats give you a boost to go on with other project, I put my diorama "somewhere at the fields" for a few weeks away and finished almost my Me 109, thats give me a boost to go on with my diorama😉
greetz Phil
21 August 2012, 11:15

@Phil: Same with me! Someday the Vietnamdio will replace the KöTi on my desk and vice versa🙂 You are right these things gives you a Booze, äh boost😢!
21 August 2012, 11:26

I finally found some time to work on that Tiger again. Its really a pleasure to build it but i have to say that the instructions are very... Anyway, the fun remains and thats the most important thing, isnt it?8)
28 August 2012, 12:06

I need them, not to mix the parts for other versions! My referance is not the best...;=
28 August 2012, 18:52

@Holger: Your references are not the best...? You really should have taken more pics of the Kingtiger in Munster instead of hugging the Jagdpanther...😉
28 August 2012, 21:40

My problem is that you are right😉 and i build a Tiger II with the late pattern track...
29 August 2012, 06:17

THX Michael, i just played a bit with the chipping of the hatch. Works fine for me and more pics will follow!
31 August 2012, 09:59

I deleted the pix with the hatch and added pix with the finished one. Only matt varnish is not applyed yet! Hope you like it, i´m really happy with the result. Hail to sponges!😢
31 August 2012, 11:13

Looks very good,Mate!Did you do the chipping with oils(because they re in the Pics )???
31 August 2012, 17:08

Hi mates! Thanks for your kind comments! Markus, i used Revell enamals for the chipping. The oils was used for the wash and rust effects. I did some better piccies and added them to the album.
1 September 2012, 06:40

Hi Holger,
the weathering is well done, absolutly perfect!
Looks realistic and is not overdone!
1 September 2012, 12:00

Holger, just stumbled over your Kingtiger- awsome! And as already said: subtile work and not overdone.Looking admirable realistic!
1 September 2012, 18:07

Thank you very much Roland! I hope i can hold the level!🙂
2 September 2012, 06:55

Very nice indeed. This toe crusher is on my list to build. but its a long way off at the moment.
3 September 2012, 02:38

Toe-crusher is indeed a nice name for a 71 tons serial killer!😢 Thx Bill8)
3 September 2012, 06:16

Finally a better camera has arrived! So i dont need to use my mobile anymore...😢
4 September 2012, 06:47

Top paintjob on the Hatches.Like the smooth colors. 👍
13 February 2013, 08:56

Auf deutsch ,es harmoniert sehr gut (nicht zu viel chipping ,nicht zuviel weathering) 🙂
13 February 2013, 08:58

Hail to Gunze´s dark yellow! The rest is done by sponge and oils! Danke Markus, von dir gehts runter wie Öl!😢
13 February 2013, 09:01

Hab ich mir schon gedacht dat dat Öl is.Gibt halt die besten effekte.
Top,weiter so 🙂
Und danke fürs kompliment. 🙂
So langsam hab ich den Modeling Blues am Ontos.Die Crew ist ja fertig,aber fürs dio müssen noch 2-3 Leutz.Und dann noch der Dschungel (örks)
Na ja,nix überhasten.
13 February 2013, 09:09

Gott schuf die Zeit, von Eile hat er nichts gesagt!
Ja Vegetation ist echt schwierig, GNARF!
13 February 2013, 09:16

Der ist gut.
Vielleicht reiss ich mir nochmal für "zwischendurch" nen Maschinen Krieger bausatz unter den Nagel!
13 February 2013, 09:37

Gesicht schwächelt en bischen,aber man lernt ja dazu!
13 February 2013, 10:25

@Markus: Gerade Augen sind ja ein Graus! Es soll von Tamiya einen Pinsel mit hohlem Haar geben der sich angeblich vorzüglich für sowas eignen soll!
13 February 2013, 10:35

Das hat mir Thomas Hartwig beim SCM meeting erzählt. Die sollen wohl recht expansiv sein aber eben gut! harald hatte solche dabei, ich nehme an das die Pinsel beim König zu kaufen sind!
13 February 2013, 11:00

@Holger: "Teuer" tut's auch. Laut Thomas so um die EUR 30,00....
13 February 2013, 16:46

Holger, ich glaube dieser ist gemeint 🙂
13 February 2013, 20:19

It won't get rusty but heavy weathered! We will see what my skills will allow me! Thanks for your interest, Augie!🙂
13 February 2013, 21:49

The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild!
This is my contribution. I thought about it for a long time and this one here shall be the one to arise from the abyss of my man cave!🙂😄
26 June 2014, 12:13

A classic ! awesome ! you do realise this is a groupbuild of more than one model each ? ideally, all of your old neglects will come to fruition in the TNKR 🙂
26 June 2014, 12:16

Yep, i have a lot "on hold"... But i don't want to overestimate myself!😄😄😄😄
26 June 2014, 12:23

Its time to get myself a quickwheel mask, you are right! I´m a lazy modeler!😢
26 June 2014, 12:24

surely not no, I don't believe you it is just there are so many things that are interesting 🙂
But for TNKR, one kit at a time and then just add the next kit to the same album with an additional final reveal in other albums etc. or least thats my plan for my neglected kits, so hopefully in time I'll have one album full of all the stuff I've been meaning to get round to with a bunch of side albums of the just the finished articles etc. verstehe du mich ? 🙂
26 June 2014, 12:38

Ah, now i understood better, Choppa!
A Wood Louse looks like a Kingtiger...Yep you are right Steve...😢😄 (Sarcasm pure)
26 June 2014, 12:41

well it kinda does, without the wheels, and tracks, and turret, but apart from that it looks like a wood louse... totally ......
I think what Steve is saying Holger, is that it doesn't look like a Ferrari 😄
26 June 2014, 12:53

Although it does about the same speed as Ferrari's current F1 offerings🤔
26 June 2014, 13:01

haha seems that way judging by the F1, although I was kinda rooting for Massa on the Austrian one 🙂
Although I'd like to see Raikonen do much better ! and Vettel could do with a bit of luck too but he has had 4 years of glory, deservedly so but never the less nice to see other people doing well 🙂
26 June 2014, 13:07

Nah!!! Vettel has had far to much luck.
Didn't like the way he treated Webber. Time for new guys like Ricciardo plus he's an Aussie, webber's revenge🙂
I also, was rooting for Massa, shame he got stuffed with his pit stop🤔
26 June 2014, 13:32

yeah actually I am inclined to agree with you, I like the fact Ricciardo is doing well and yeah, the old Multi 21 fiasco, that was a bit twattish of Vettel.
Though this year I am not sure who I am rooting for, last year I really wanted Webber to do well.... I'd like to see Kimi and Massa get a win or two at least, and I am pleased for Rosberg in some ways but a couple of DNF's wouldn't hurt the championship battle, don't want him romping away with it.
26 June 2014, 13:40

As a long term Ferrari tifosi...
I'm always rooting for them (Ferrari) to win, but I also want them (Ferrari) fighting for their wins/championships.
But if it's beyond all possibillity for them (Ferrari) to win, then my love of F1 kicks in and as long as it's not the M-m-m-m-Mc-m-m-m-m, the M-team then I really don't mind who wins, shame because I like Jence, he deserves another championship!!!
26 June 2014, 14:48

I just can't bring myself to say it, let alone spell it😮
Ferrari's worst enemy/rival whatever!!!
26 June 2014, 15:06

oh just get over it already ! your as bad as a football fan bleeting on about it like that 😄
Anyhow, for some reason I just don't like Alonso.... I want Kimi to start out doing him massively !
Anyway, do you think Holger might be feeling like we've hijacked his tank thread with F1 chat ? 😄
26 June 2014, 15:14

Yaaay. I have been wanting to see you build this lol. Question. What is a wheel mask useful for on a KT lol
26 June 2014, 16:17

I'm just tuning in Holger. Looking forward to see what you do with it. The chipping and weathering point towards an impressive build.
26 June 2014, 19:34

hey Alan, have you ever started a kit and put it to one side and kind of always ended up starting something whilst meaning to one day come back and finish that kit off but somehow it has just ended up gathering dust somewhere ? 🙂
26 June 2014, 20:05

Alter... was wird das denn? Groupbuild? Mit wem? But anyway... nice work so far! 🙂
26 June 2014, 21:25

This group build Christian, the one with the least rules on Scalemates 😄
(0., )
26 June 2014, 21:41

it is time that you could finish that thing! Such things can not happen to me! I always make everything ready at once! Hurry up!😉
26 June 2014, 21:56

Choppa... Many ThX for this Info! I`m in!
Just have to find out where to go. If it comes to unfinished kits, there is a lot to show 🙂 May be now, or six month later...
26 June 2014, 21:56

well if there is one thing that this groupbuild has going for it it's the relaxed lawlessness of it 🙂
but do create a photo album with some photos of your potentials etc. because otherwise how can we take the mickey ? 😄 😄 😄
26 June 2014, 22:06

Well Choppa You`r right! Have to think about it... So what do you like? An unfinished Bismarck in 1:100 scale, some AFV`s in 1:35, Airfix Kits from the 60Th? The choice is yours 🙂
26 June 2014, 22:18

oh no no no Sir ! I do declare, the choice is yours ! 😄
or better yet start your album off with a picture of each, or at, a few of them and then we can all take a vote, hows that sound ? 😄
Though the Bismark in 1:100 sounds awesome !!! do that one !! 😄 😄 😄
26 June 2014, 22:23
Project info
Budowanie grupowe

The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild
1. Styczeń 2016 do 31. Grudzień 2020
1. Styczeń 2016 do 31. Grudzień 2020