Supermarine S-5
30 10 October 2020, 18:37

Picture 2: Rundstab 0,5 mm & Skalpell-Pixkraft > CA-Haftkraft?🙂
5 January 2021, 09:22

Hihihi genau ! 🙂 Schrocksches Gesetz 🙂 🙂 In diesem Fall aber mit Plastikkleber wg. der
Positionierbarkeit, geht auch !
5 January 2021, 10:09

Welcome and thanks Norbert, no real issues so far, let's see how the fit of floats/wings/fuselage turns out to be.....
5 January 2021, 11:03

Today I was able to finish the Napier Lion VII engine. I think I will display it outside of the aircraft as it would be a waste to let it disappear
under the cowling.
7 January 2021, 22:07

Sehr schön! Wäre schade den Motor zu verstecken. Feiner Bleidraht?
10 January 2021, 20:39

Very nice! The racing machines on floats are very interesting. I still have a Gloster (WMM) in stash ...
17 January 2021, 21:39

Thanks Bughunter, I hope I'll get to see that build some day !
18 January 2021, 15:22

Great detailing on the engine, Hanno! It definitely should be displayed outside the aircraft.
18 January 2021, 18:23

If I could time travel, I´ll surely go see these in action...
Beautiful modeling, watching! 👍
18 January 2021, 22:48

Not the best fit, I had to fit quite an amount of styrene profile into the fuselage joint. Installation of the cowling will be a challenge too.....
27 January 2021, 21:44

Good idea to display your nicely detailed engine outside of aircraft. Would some sprue help spread the fairing open?
13 February 2021, 11:22

Thx Thomas and Bughunter !
@ Bughunter: A good idea that I didn't have.... I'll bear that in mind for next time I encounter a similar problem. This time I glued with CA under tension provided by a wooden stick inserted through the front
opening. Came out ok too. I'll post a picture later on 🙂
13 February 2021, 11:54

It starts to look like on the kit box - so beautiful! To built all racers used on a Schneider Trophy would create a nice model collection, have only the winner of 1914 until now: Sopwith Schneider Monaco Racer 1914 | Album by bughunter (1:48)
17 February 2021, 14:44

Thank you Bughunter ! Slowly getting there..... although I was letting myself getting fooled by the instructions : The canopy in reality was silver and not blue.... this will have to be fixed according to my references. Your Sopwith 1914 winner looks just fab with its winner's buquets and floats, that are made of real wood for sure
17 February 2021, 17:08

Thanks Bernhard and Spanjard ! @ Bernhard : A lot simpler, 0,13mm clear Evergreen sheet folded into shape 🙂 siehe Bild 27
18 February 2021, 18:12

Rigging done, decals done. All that's left is the engine stand and a cart for her to be launched from. Well - tomorrow is another day.......
25 February 2021, 18:36

Dynamic float painting 👍 I like your result! Will be a great pleasure to see the final pictures.
25 February 2021, 18:57

It looks absolutely fantastic - what a great chapter of aviation - always pleased to see one of these, especially when done so well 👍
25 February 2021, 20:42

Thank you very much mates ! Slavo, yes, those were the days, a lot of these racerbirds look like art deco sculptures to me
25 February 2021, 21:14

Thx Neuling ! Water depiction is way outside my skill-envelope I'm afraid...... a two wheeled cart is as far as it goes........🙂
26 February 2021, 13:46

Fertig! Sehr schön. Die Verspannung ist sehr gelungen und hängt nicht durch🙂. Chapeau.
26 February 2021, 20:01

Thx Rui + Bernhard !
@Bernhard: Von innen nach außen hat gut geklappt, die Profile sind klasse !
26 February 2021, 20:36

Great job....The kit has some fit issues and you really filled the gaps....just a solid, fun to look at result.
1 March 2021, 18:00

Completed! Nice to see you next finished project. Great work and great idea to leave the engine outside. 🙂
1 March 2021, 19:28

A set of a few nice final additions - a good reason to have a look at this beauty once again 👍
1 March 2021, 19:38

Very nice result 👍 I t was a joy to follow this project. The engine in its dark livre is not very prominent, will look very nice in real I'm sure.
2 March 2021, 11:56

Thank you bughunter, my pleasure 🙂 You're right, the engine appears a little dark on this photos, it's nonspecular blue over a very flashy light blue which didn't quite turn out as I expected but I could'nt be bothered any more, so I left it as it was.
In reality it appears to be a bit lighter than in the pictures, so I can live with it.
8 March 2021, 11:34

I am very impressed, beautiful! (and thank you for sharing the WIP photos - I have one in my stash, but feel a bit reluctant now...🙂
11 May 2021, 15:21

Thank you Thomas and Robert, I'm pleased you like my racebird !
@Robert: Let me encourage you, nothing that you won't be able to master 🙂
11 May 2021, 18:57

Thank you, Hanno, for your confidence in my skills...maybe one day (at least I managed to finish AMP's Piaggio-Pegna PC7 some time ago...🙂 ) Once again, congrats for the model of one of the most beautiful planes ever!
11 May 2021, 19:58