Trumpeter Bismarck Build - Aft Superstructure Decks 1, 2, and 3 - Dec 24 - Jan 8)
January 9, 2022Veteran Models Rangefinders type a and b2
January 9, 2022Definitely finer detail than the kit parts. These weren't too bad overall. The paravanes have been more challenging (read frustrating)3
January 9, 2022Starting Port Side Aft Superstructure Deck 14
January 9, 2022Off to a good start5
January 9, 2022First Vent on this side6
January 9, 2022Next vent and cutout for the last port side 150 turret7
January 9, 2022Gets a little busier here8
January 9, 2022The life preservers are only test fit. The racks are mounted. Will prime and paint, the put the life preservers on. But you get an idea what they will look like.9
January 9, 2022The aft most section and barbette for the Cesar (C) Turret10
January 9, 2022More views of the port side Deck 1 superstructure11
January 9, 2022More views of the port side Deck 1 superstructure12
January 9, 2022More views of the port side Deck 1 superstructure13
January 9, 2022More views of the port side Deck 1 superstructure14
January 9, 2022More views of the port side Deck 1 superstructure15
January 9, 2022Starboard Side for comparison16
January 9, 2022Test fitting and looking at what it is turning into17
January 9, 202218
January 9, 202219
January 9, 2022Gives an idea what the size of the vents is like20
January 9, 202221
January 9, 2022Starting to install PE on Deck 2 (Hanger 1 and 2). You can see the vents and other bits22
January 9, 2022Another angle. the interior of the hanger will be painted and visible to some extent. On May 29th, Bismarck tried to launch one of it's aircraft to fly towards France and try to get help. They discovered that the catapults had been damaged in the previous battle and ended up pushing the plane over the side.23
January 9, 2022Aft end of the hanger deck24
January 9, 2022More detail of the sides of Deck 225
January 9, 202226
January 9, 202227
January 9, 2022Assembling the Aft SB Deck 2 vents - gives you an idea of the size and detail. This vent has four narrow sections.28
January 9, 202229
January 9, 2022SB side30
January 9, 2022Hanger door opening and the cabling above the doors.31
January 9, 2022Completed Deck 2 Hanger32
January 9, 202233
January 9, 202234
January 9, 2022Test fitting, getting an idea of how it will look.35
January 9, 2022Deck 336
January 9, 2022Deck 3 has a total of 4 vents. Each took about 45 minutes + to cut off the PE sheet, file bend and glue. Finally got down a rhythm. Each vent has 8 individual louvers, a grate and a frame. The Frame has flanges you have to bend out, that support the louvers.37
January 9, 202238
January 9, 202239
January 9, 2022This is howw the 3 decks look. I still have to grind off the molded detail on Deck 1 starboard side. But it is definitely starting to take shape.40
February 5, 2022SB side completed41
February 5, 2022SB side close detail42
February 5, 2022SB side close detail43
February 5, 2022SB side close detail44
February 5, 2022SB side close detail45
February 5, 2022SB side close detail46
February 5, 2022SB side close detail47
February 5, 2022test fitting, decks, veneer48
February 5, 2022different angle49
February 5, 2022Test fitting with main guns
25 February 2025, 21:14 -