Dutch Coastguard
Building the new Dornier
- Skala:
- 1:72
- Status:
- Gotowe
- Rozpoczęte:
- December 31, 2017
- Gotowe :
- September 15, 2018
Building the Dornier Do-228 NG PH-CGN
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16 September 2018, 18:50

As I want to build all aircraft of the Dutch Airforces, the Dornier Do-228 was also in my stash. When I started the project, I consulted my pictures I took at several airshows and the left me confused: I had pics of the PH-CGN with a white and a black nose and with four and five propellor blades. Thanks to my Facebook friends, I found out that the aircraft had been updated to a new version. As I didn't like the black nose, I decided to go for the new version. Revell was kind enough to send me a new prop, to give me the material to make a five bladed prop. This wasn't easy but I was satisfied with the result, until I discovered that one of the blades was at the wrong angle. Since this was the only original blade (which meant not one but four blades were wrong) I decided to leave it this way. I added lots of aerials and the two Terra SLAR pods.
16 September 2018, 19:01