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Łukasz Gliński (Woody)

Thai Hawk


16 13 December, 21:39
 15 December, 09:11
Łukasz Gliński
Welcome Nicolas.
I have to admit the kit is of a very smart design, but the leaflet seems to be drawn by someone else not seeing the kit beforehand 🙁
 15 December, 21:32
It's not often you see Łukasz build a modern kit 😛
I can't miss it! (nor can anyone else).
 17 December, 20:51
Ben M
 17 December, 20:52
Łukasz Gliński
Yeah, I think I should sometimes 😄
1  17 December, 21:12
Alec K
Taking a seat. I am surprised about the dash fit.
 21 December, 15:04
Pierre Pierre
 21 December, 23:08
Djordje Nikolic
So far so good!
 22 December, 05:25
Patryk S.
 22 December, 15:11
Moreno Baruffini
 22 December, 15:15
Łukasz Gliński
Great to see you folks 👍 Been waiting for you Patryk 😛
I stumbled upon couple of small glitches here and there (and instruction errors too!), which prevent me from starting to prime and paint the Hawk
 22 December, 19:10
Jennifer Franklin
 23 December, 03:12
Robert Podkoński
A little late, but joining this party!
 23 December, 08:46
Patryk S.
Hey Łukasz! I'm not to often here lately but wouldn't miss it for anything as I want to do the argentinian version. Sorry to see that this kit has such fit issues as I was hoping that it will be something more relaxing than the AZ kit. Thanks for tackling it - your build will be a great reference point for me as was your H-75 build!
1  23 December, 11:12
Łukasz Gliński
Welcome, welcome, there is still some time for me to conclude the party - started priming yesterday, but some corrections are needed.
Patryk, don't get me wrong - it's waaaaay more relaxing than the AZ kit 😄 Unfortunately the instruction seems bit out of sync with actual sprues content.
 23 December, 18:54

Project info

9 images
In progress
1:72 H-75N Hawk (Clear Prop! CP72022)1:72 Hawk H-75 M/N/O Pitot tube (Clear Prop! CPA72058)1:72 H-75 M/N/O Hawk (Clear Prop! CPA72067)
Curtiss Hawk 75 N
TH กองทัพอากาศไทย (Royal Thai Air Force 1939-now)
60 Sqn., 66 Wing
1940 - Nakhon Phanom Airfield

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