Engines and Metal Weathering SetAK Interactive | No. AK 087Projetos48 imagensPanzer I mit. Abwurfvorrichtung1:35Projeto: Pz.Kpfw.I mit Abwurfvorrichtung - Dragon4+106 imagensKfz 7/2 with 2 cm Flak 381:35Projeto: Kfz 7/1 with 2 cm Flak 38 - Dragon20 imagensMyAlbum1:35Projeto: Grille ausf M12 imagensMaking of Jagdpanzer1:35Projeto: Jagdpanzer Johann Huber56 imagensKingtiger 1:35Projeto: King Tiger - Mailly le Camp93 imagensMyAlbum1:35Projeto: Kfz. 25 Flammpanzerwagen ausf C1+64 imagensCats, Birds and Children1:35LayoutProjeto: CATS AND BEETLE8+107 imagensRescuing a Giant1:35Diorama finished after 5 months of workProjeto: RESCUING A GIANT13+190 imagensDeadly Road1:35Projeto: DEADLY ROAD20+167 imagensPEACE TIME1:35Projeto: Peace Time11+