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1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I

Linha do tempo para Otaki (OT4-1) Tiger I


História completa

Minicraft Model Kits
AFV Club
Cyber Hobby
Dragon Armor
Model Factory Hiro
Rye Field Model
Darius Miniatures
Border Model
Das Werk
Tiger Model
MONO X Dragon
1:35 Tiger I (Otaki )Produto novo1:35 Tiger I (Otaki 4001)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-1)Rebox1:35 Tiger I Ausf.E (Tamiya MT-126)Produto novo1:35 Tiger I Ausf.E (Tamiya MT226)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I (Nichimo R-3513)Produto novo1:35 Tiger I (Nichimo R-3518)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya MM156A)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I Ausf.E (Nichimo R-3513)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-33)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya MT126)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I (Nichimo NR-3503)Rebox1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I (Nichimo SR 3502)Rebox1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-40)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-33)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-41)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 3556)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Nichimo N-3503)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I (Minicraft Model Kits 1304)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35056)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35146)Produto novo1:35 Tiger I Tank (Idea )Produto novo1:35 Tiger I Ausf.E (Nichimo DT3505)Peças novas1:35 German Panzerkampfwagen Tiger (Sd.Kfz '81) Ausführung E (Idea TA001)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I Late (Academy TA061)Produto novo1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I (Sd.kfz. 181), Ausf. E Late Version (Tamiya 49504)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I (spät) (Academy TA961)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Ausf. E/H1 (Italeri 286)Produto novo1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35194)Peças novas1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI (Sd.kfz.181) Ausf. E (Tamiya 35202)Novos decalques1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf.E (Italeri 293)Peças novas1:35 Tiger-I early version (Academy 1348)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Academy 1387)Peças novas1:35 Bergepanzer Tiger I (CMK T35001)Peças novas1:35 T-VI "Tiger" (Zvezda 3543)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35216)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (früh) (Academy 1386)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Mid Production Version (Academy 1387)Peças novas1:35 T-VI E "Tiger" (Zvezda 3589)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Tamiya 35227)Peças novas1:35 Bergetiger (Italeri 362)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 48202)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I (late) (Tamiya 89562)Peças novas1:35 German Tiger I Early Production Finished Model (Tamiya 21014)Rebox1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6252)Produto novo1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf. E (AFV Club AF35079)Produto novo1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I (Sd.kfz. 181), Ausf. E Late Version (Tamiya 89566)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Sd.Kfz. 181 Tiger I (Dragon 6253)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Version (AFV Club AF35S27)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Cyber Hobby 6286)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon Armor 61001)Produto novo1:35 German Tiger I Initial Production (Tamiya 21802)Rebox1:35 T-VI "Tiger" (Zvezda 3543)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Cyber Hobby 6350)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon Armor 61002)Rebox1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon Armor 61003)Rebox1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6406)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6416)Peças novas1:35 Tiger-I Late Production Version (Academy 13209)Nova caixa1:35 "Michael Wittmann" Tiger I Early Production, (Dragon Armor 61006)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Production (Dragon Armor 61019)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Production (Dragon Armor 61020)Rebox1:35 Tiger 1 (Tamiya 89646)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6383)Peças novas1:35 Tiger-I (Academy 13861)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf.E Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger I (Cyber Hobby 6335)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon Armor 61014)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon Armor 61021)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I Ausf. E (Italeri 6471)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon Armor 61028)Rebox1:35 German Tiger I Early Production Finished Model (Tamiya 21003)Rebox1:35 German Tiger I Initial Production (Tamiya 21801)Rebox1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 25109)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger Ausf.E (Tp ) (Italeri 286)Nova caixa1:35 Sd.Kfz. 181 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I "Hybrid" (Italeri 6487)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6600)Peças novas1:35 Wittmann's Last Tiger (Cyber Hobby 6610)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw VI Ausf.E Tiger I (Cyber Hobby 6660)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I Ausf. E Late Version mit Transportkette (AFV Club AF35S25)Produto novo1:35 Tiger I (Cyber Hobby 6650)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Ausf. E (Zvezda 3646)Produto novo1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I Ausf. E mid production (Italeri 6507)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Cyber Hobby 6763)Peças novas1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz.181) (Model Factory Hiro MK-002)Produto novo1:35 GERMAN TIGER-I (Academy 13239)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger 1 with figures (Academy 13264)Nova caixa1:35 Heavy Tank Tiger-I (Academy 13265)Nova caixa1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz.181) (Model Factory Hiro MK-003)Rebox1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Cyber Hobby 9142)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School Version (Platz GP-6)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School Version (Platz GP-6EX)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Ausf.H2 (Dragon 6683)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Mid-Production (Dragon 6700)Peças novas1:35 Tiger-I (Ver. Mid) (Academy 13287)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5001)Produto novo1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 25401)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I (Italeri 36502)Peças novas1:35 Tiger 1 "Tunisian Initial" (Dragon 6608)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6730)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I early - "131" Tunisia (Dragon 6820)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I "Gruppe Fehrmann, Essel 1945" (Academy 13299)Peças novas1:35 Tiger-I (Academy 13314)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5003)Peças novas1:35 Diorama Sceneries 13 60x60 mm (Darius Miniatures B35013)Produto novo1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6253)Peças novas1:35 Bergepanzer Tiger I (Dragon 6850)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I (Platz 39502)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I Gruppe "Fehrmann" (Rye Field Model RM-5005)Peças novas1:35 Bergepanzer Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5008)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Middle Production (Rye Field Model RM-5010)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI (7.5cm) Ausf. B (Dragon 6868)Produto novo1:35 TIGER 131 ''Limited edition'' (Italeri 36512)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon 6624)Peças novas1:35 Bergepanzer Tiger I Demolition Charge Layer mit Borgward IV Ausf.A Heavy Demolition Charge Vehicle (Dragon 6865)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon 6866)Peças novas1:35 Tiger-I Ver. Early (Academy 13509)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Ausf. E (Zvezda 3646)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Platz GP-38)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School (Platz GP-38EX)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Revell 05790)Conjunto de modelos1:35 Tiger I (Trumpeter 09539)Produto novo1:35 Pz. Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. E (Italeri 6557)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Dragon 30TH-07)Novos decalques1:35 Wittmann's Last Tiger (Dragon 6800)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6885)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Trumpeter 09540)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5015)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I 'Early Version' (Airfix A1354)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I 'Early Version' (Airfix A1357)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I 'Mid Version' (Airfix A1359)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I 'Early Version' (Airfix A1363)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I 'Late Version' (Airfix A1364)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon 6624SP)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Mid-Production w/Zimmerit Otto Carius (Dragon 6888)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6947)Peças novas1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz.181) (Model Factory Hiro MK-006)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5025)Peças novas1:35 German heavy tank T-VI "Tiger" (Modelist 303563)Rebox1:35 Tiger I (Border Model BT-010)Produto novo1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I Early Production 501 abt (Dragon 6328)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I Late Production w/Zimmerit (Normandy 1944) (Dragon 6947SP)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6950)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5050)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E Sd.Kfz.181 (Dragon 6484)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Initial Production s.Pz.Abt. 502 Leningrad Region 1942/3 (Dragon 6600MT)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon 6624MT)Peças novas1:35 Wittmann's Last Tiger (Dragon 6800MT)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Mid-Production Battle of Malonovka Otto Carius (Dragon 6888MT)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Early Production Battle of Kharkov (Dragon 6950MT)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School (Platz GP-38MS)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5001U)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5075)Peças novas1:35 "Operation Ochsenkopf Tiger" (Dragon 6328)Peças novas1:35 Tiger 1 "Tunisian Initial" (Dragon 6608MT)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Early Production, Wittmann's Command Tiger (Dragon 6730MT)Peças novas1:35 Tiger "131" Early Production s.Pz.Abt.504 Tunisia (Dragon 6820MT)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Early Production "TiKi" Das Reich Division (Battle of Kursk) (Dragon 6885MT)Peças novas1:35 VK45.01(H) (Fgsl.Nr.V1) Tiger Experimental Series (Rye Field Model RM-5071)Peças novas1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5078)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5080)Peças novas1:35 PzKpfwg.VI Tiger I late (Das Werk DW35028)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Border Model BT-014)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Mid-Production w/Zimmerit (Takom 2198)Produto novo1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6800)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I Late (Dragon 6947)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Dragon 6990MT)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School (Platz GP-86:9800)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Production w/zimmerit (Takom 2199)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/zimmerit (Takom 2200)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I Mid. Production (Rye Field Model RM-5100)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Border Model BT-023)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Border Model BT-034)Peças novas1:35 TIGER I BIG BOX (Takom 2200W)Conjunto de modelos1:35 RM-5101 Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E Tiger I w/Zimmerit + RM-5023 Type 82E Special Box Set (Rye Field Model 1212)Conjunto de modelos1:35 Tiger I (Tiger Model 4901)Produto novo1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Panzerkampfwagen Tiger I Ausf.E (Late Production) (Italeri 6754)Novos decalques1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon 6252)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon 6600)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I "Tunisian Initial sPzAbt 501"  (Dragon 6608)Peças novas1:35 Villers-Bocage Michael Wittmann's Last Battle 8 August 1944 (Dragon 6999)Peças novas1:35 VK45.02(H) (Takom 2191)Peças novas1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kfw.VI.Ausf.E Tiger I (Takom 2192)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I "Michael Wittmann's Tiger" Normandy 1944 Late/Late Command Production w/Zimmerit 2 in 1 (Takom 2201)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Early Production Model with Steel Wheels w/zimmerit Gruppe "Fehrmann" (Takom 2202)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Production (Rye Field Model RM-5101)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5130)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5131)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Early Production (MONO X Dragon MD-006)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I² Box (Takom 2201W)Conjunto de modelos1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E  Tiger I Command Tiger Michael Wittmann  (Takom 2195)Peças novas1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E Tiger I (Takom 2196)Peças novas1:35 TIGER I² early production Box (Takom 2195W)Conjunto de modelos
informações ausentes
Tiger 1 Early (Aladdin Model 00103) Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausführung E (Tamiya 25142) Title (Tamiya ) Tiger 1 Ausf.E (Italeri 286) Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E (Dragon 6600) Tiger I Tank with Interior (Academy 01348) Panzerkampfwagen DW1 (Full Resin Kit) (Brach Model BM-125) Panzerkampfwagen DW2 (Full Resin Kit) (Brach Model BM-126) Diorama Sceneries 6 60x80 mm (Darius Miniatures B35006) Diorama Sceneries 10 60x80 mm (Darius Miniatures B35010) Diorama Sceneries 29 70x70 mm (Darius Miniatures B35029) Title (Takom )

Os kits são mostrados na linha do tempo quando conterem o ano e a origem.