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Japan Ground Self Defense Force Type 74 Tank

Winter Version

Tamiya | No. 35168 | 1:35

Boxart Type 74 Tank 35168 Tamiya


7 imagens
Type-74View album, image #6
Projeto: Type-74
1:35 Type 74 Tank Track Set (Modelkasten SK-52)1:35 Type 74 Tank (Tamiya 35168)
6 imagens
ModernizedView album, image #1
Projeto: JGSDF Type 74
1:35 Type 74 Tank (Tamiya 35168)
10 imagens
JGSDF Type 74View album, image #1
1:35 Type 74 Tank (Tamiya 35168)
17 imagens
Type 74 TANK Winter VersionView album, image #1
Time to washing...
1:35 Type 74 Tank (Tamiya 35168)
27 imagens
JGSDF Type 74 Tank Winter VersionView album, image #27
painted the tracks.... finally
1:35 Type 74 Tank (Tamiya 35168)1:35 JGSDF Type 74 Tank Track (Modelkasten SK-52)