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T-38A Talon

Trumpeter | No. 02852 | 1:48

Boxart T-38A Talon 02852 Trumpeter


27 imagens
Flight School 1995-2001View album, image #20
1:48 T-38A Talon (Trumpeter 02852)1:48 SIAI-Marchetti SF.260AM/M/W (Special Hobby SH48207)1:48 T-38A Talon - Cockpit Set (Aires 4680)1+
4 imagens
Trumpeter 1:48 T-38A Talon FAPView album, image #1
1:48 T-38A Talon (Trumpeter 02852)
4 imagens
QT-38 Drone ConversionView album, image #1
1:48 T-38A Talon (Trumpeter 02852)
14 imagens
talonView album, image #1
Projeto: T-38A Talon
1:48 T-38A Talon (Trumpeter 02852)1:48 T-38A Talon interior (Eduard FE733)
19 imagens
CompleteView album, image #14
warts n all i'm calling her done. c'ya at the 109gb, thanks for watching. 8)
Projeto: T-38A Talon
1:48 T-38A Talon (Trumpeter 02852)
5 imagens
T-38 ProjectView album, image #5
Wolfpack has nicer surface detail although it is not as complete as the other 2
1:48 Northrop T-38 Talon (Sword SW48007)1:48 T-38A Talon (Trumpeter 02852)1:48 T-38A Talon 'USAF' (Wolfpack WP10001)
4 imagens
T-38A TALONView album, image #1
Projeto: T-38A TALON
1:48 T-38A Talon (Trumpeter 02852)