Gotenlinie, Italy, Summer ´44 Big Muzzle!
8 May 2012, 08:40

All needs its place, how my grandfather always stated!
But i have to tell my dad, that he should give me back my camera, he lend it from me and always tend, not to bring something back!😢
8 May 2012, 17:24

Aaah, that'll become intersting for me... and a bit of mothivation to continue my StuG IV. I should change to 1/72. This would increase the chances to get something finished...
8 May 2012, 17:27

That was my intension with this kit, Frank! Absolutely, on-the-point!
8 May 2012, 17:31

Ok, ok! You got me! First of all I'll change status of my project and see what happens next...
8 May 2012, 18:03

A small OOB project can really clear your mind. Discipline is required to prevent it becoming a small super-detailed project, which is what always seems to happen to me. I have no willpower!!
8 May 2012, 20:24

Yes Aghis! But i have to stop me sometimes from looking for a turned barrel or some pe´s!
9 May 2012, 17:05

I ´d like to add copperwire for some handles for example. But thats just a too tiny mission! I have seen some zimmerit-pe´s for the dragon StuG but i dont know if it would fit on the Revell kit...
9 May 2012, 17:26

Copper is not the problem, but my skills are😢 Will become hard to bend this lil thingies!😢
9 May 2012, 17:41

I got something for you to fix the Problem.
Try this one....
9 May 2012, 19:07

That's what happens when you work the better part of your life with etched parts...
9 May 2012, 19:09

I think they use this one...
but they can only use it with 2 persons.One holds it,the other is busy with the Photo etched parts.🙂
9 May 2012, 19:49

Right Aghis!😢
"all hail Holger... your mad my friend.. but looking good so far"
Thx Augie! Stunning, your not the first, who calls me: Crazy...😉
9 May 2012, 20:01

Wich one would you take? The left (MG3, sparesbox) MG or the right one (MG34), given from Revell? I´d prefer the left one as a replacement "MG42"🙂
10 May 2012, 16:19

Holger, the first idea is usually the best idea. Follow Aghis advise and use the MG3/42.
10 May 2012, 17:24

Yes, i´ll do that. Frank, what do you mean, soll ich das Stück Lafette am MG dran lassen oder absäbeln?
10 May 2012, 17:38

Well ,that's brave of you to tackle with this old kit with too many default, that even me can see.
Just to list the biggest one:
the muzzle brake is far too large (it will be nice on a 1/48 or even a 1/35 kit.)
the road wheels are missing a groove in the middle,
the teeth on the tracks are missing.
So what to do?
modifying the kit yourself?
Using the lower parts of a Revell Pz.Kfw IV?
give the kit to someone else an buy yourself a Dragon StuG IV?
Or stop listening to people who are only telling you what's wrong and HAVE FUN!
13 May 2012, 06:38

Hey folks, i managed to do some work. I even had my first paintjob with Gunze paint. I´m pretty happy with it. The jar says, it dryes flat but i would say its more a semigloss. Doesnt matters, a flatcoat will be applyed.
20 May 2012, 16:36

@Mike: My eyes need new glasses now😢
@Augie: Ah now i understood! My slang-english is not so good...🙂 But please keep on, so i can learn a bit!😢
20 May 2012, 16:57

Ha sorry guys, your english is that good I forget its not your first language.
20 May 2012, 17:29

Holger, nice work so far. Where does it end ? Any plans for a small Dio? Would be nice to see this one on a Famo with a traíler.
Keep them coming, realy looks amazing!
20 May 2012, 19:02

Thx Christian. No, i have no idea about a small dio, but its worth, thinking about it!
20 May 2012, 19:30

Thanks! It doesn't feel perfect to me at all n' I'm known to take a lot of short cuts here n' there with my English. But I read a lot n' I really mean a LOT n' I just love the way my favourite author plays with the English language. Terry Pratchett is an linguistic artist.
20 May 2012, 20:37

@Holger, I use Gunze Aqueous colours almost exclusively. None of them are really flat except for the Clear Flat, which is one of the best flat varnishes I've used. You can make the other colours flatter by adding some of their Flat base (do NOT try to use this as a flat varnish). But I actually like the semi-gloss finish, as you don't have to go crazy with clear gloss coats before decals. Just one coat of clear gloss or Future will be sufficient.
The absolute best part of Gunze Aqueous is how fine the pigments are. You can get an exceptionally small smooth line without the tip clogging. I will often clean up a soft camoflage edge by thinning Gunze paint about 70% or even more. I then reduce the air pressure to something very low, like 10-15% PSI, and open the needle ever so slightly. When I apply the air, I can hold the airbrush in position for several seconds before the colour even starts to appear. I've never been able to do this with any other paint. I liked the paint so much back in the late 80s that I used to import it into the US and sell it mail order. I still have a personal stash of 630 bottles!
21 May 2012, 01:08

Lovely. I can`t wait to see it complete. You just hit me Holger.............I am thinkig now of building the Tamiya KING TIGER. Anyway, I also have to of Tamiya radio controlled
21 May 2012, 02:25

Hey Holger,
nice StuG, but is there a Fingerprint on the Driverhacht(Pic.9)?? Too much Cyanoacrylate on your Fingers??? 🙂
21 May 2012, 03:31

@ Bill: I just start to love that paints😢 Its wonderful to work with them, so far!
@Sherif: Hey its never too late to do some armour. I love to make them dirty!!!
@Thorsten: Got me! I had my first experiance with Tamiya extra thin cement, and its indeed extra thin, so it runs in every f.cking gap... So my fingerprints are captured and have to be erased! But it came to mind that this could be a chance to make Zimmerit in this scale...😢
21 May 2012, 06:45

Lol nice idea holger, Zimmerit could work well... long as you can get the part from your fingers again😉
21 May 2012, 22:02

Just dont do what i did a few years back... squeezed and old bottle of zap cyno too hard..and in panic grabbed anything i could to wipe the cyno off...
Still have some scars from the peeling 🙂
21 May 2012, 22:07

Ouch! That must've burnt a lot when all the CA reacted with your flesh n' the air...
21 May 2012, 22:29

🙂 It did tingle somewhat Urban, althought not sure what hurt more... it going on... or the peeling later on..
21 May 2012, 22:35

Just keep some acetone handy, or nail polish remover if you have some (it has acetone in it). This will get the superglue off of your skin without getting the skin off of your bones. Acetone will damage the plastic, but that is easier to fix than your skin.
PS. Do not use acetone near your eyes!!!!
21 May 2012, 22:45

Yeah I have some now... at the time i was out of nail polish remover.. (yes i know i am a girl.. but i normally use thinners to remove it) but now i have emergency bottle..
21 May 2012, 23:02

By the way, I always thought that nail polish have good colors, particularly for cars, has anybody tried to use it or it can`t be used on plastic kits?
Just a question that has been bothering me for some time.
22 May 2012, 00:06

Holger, Tamiya thin cement is excellent for making textures on the surface. Wipe some glue on it untill the plastic gets a bit weak, then start dragging around on it with a stiff brush, you'll be amazed what effects you can create...repeat when necessary ( like the '79 Dave Edmunds album 🙂 )
22 May 2012, 05:54

Tamiyas Extra thin is a fine stuff! 🙂 But pretty expensive... I also use "Nitro Universalversdünnung" as it´s called in german, it´s the same stuff. You get a 500ml bottle for the same price as the tiny Tamiya bottle... 😉
22 May 2012, 06:12

Well, actually I don´t know exactely... but it smells similar and works just like the Tamiya glue... 😉
22 May 2012, 12:07

I'd wager that "Tamiya thin cement", like Tenax, is more or less pure MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone), an oxgenated solvent.
Nitro-thinner is usually a blend of hydrocarbon solvents and may contain really nasty stuff like Toluene and Xylene.
See here:
22 May 2012, 12:17

Xylene is indeed nasty stuff. I once got splashed in the face with it at work. Thankfully I had my safety glasses on but boy did it sting n' numb the whole face...
22 May 2012, 13:00

Yes, I would probably be blind today otherwise n' it was also fortunate that I had my mouth closed. The workplace was a total disaster waitin' to happen. I even had a nasty accident with the forklift there once. I lifted a pallet with 77 mastpipes (10kg each) when the mast on the forklift broke n' dropped forward over the pallet with pipes sendin' 'em flyin'.
22 May 2012, 13:10

Could be, but I wasn't endangered when the forklift broke but it was a close call for two of my co-workers that was in the vicinity of it all n' was just a few meters away from bein' hit by the heavy mast.
22 May 2012, 13:19

Staplerfahrer Klaus, i love it! Some years ago, i saw it first. Still good for a laugh!
22 May 2012, 13:29

Aah yeah, the unbeatable english black humor - I do like John Cleese though!
22 May 2012, 17:09

I completed the tracks and will start with the rest of the paintjob!
3 June 2012, 17:05

Hey folks! I managed to do some work on my StuG whilst SCM was shut down. I added some new pix and as you see, its still a way to go. Makes fun to deal with this lil nasty kit!
4 June 2012, 16:42

Its just a dryfit, actually. I plan to add sandyellow as base with green and brown stripes. Tactical number 121. And its going to become really dirty...😢
4 June 2012, 17:01

Hi Urban, it is horrible overscale! But i dont wanted to work on it and i dont have a substitute...
4 June 2012, 17:15

Hey Dave, this model is not supposed to be "superdetailed" with aftermarketstuff. Its just for "in between" and for fun😢! But thx!
5 June 2012, 07:59

Yeah Holger, have fun! Looking forward to see it painted and... diiiirrrrtttttttyyyyy!😉
5 June 2012, 08:24

Gents... its not the size... its what you do with it😉......I just couldnt resist
6 June 2012, 17:37

LOL Holly... you just knew at somepoint it was going to be said... and as token female for scalemates.. I just had too...
6 June 2012, 18:04

I understand you in any case! I would have done it, too! But on the other side, ... ah, forget it!😢😢😢!
6 June 2012, 18:09

Oh.............nooooooooooo. I blushed as well Augie. You made me really laugh. How`s your Hind? Any progress. Good grief.......fanta has gone but hope we don`t receive 7up soon
6 June 2012, 23:10

Hi Holly - and don't forget showing us a pic of your new glasses...!!! :-D:-D:-D
7 June 2012, 17:27

With this kind of muzzle dont forget to put weight in rear of the kit!!!!!!!!!!!
7 June 2012, 18:40

But don't forget to strengthen the axles to the road wheels so they can take the strain of the added weight 'cos you'll gonna need a lot of it...
7 June 2012, 18:50

Oh guy´s... 🙂 It seems that my muzzlebreak is obviously a great point of interest😢. But malicious as i am, i let it like it is!😢 And by the way, i worked hard to drill it up!😢
7 June 2012, 19:00

You're right Augie! I didn't think 'bout the chuck only acceptin' up 'til 12 mm drills on an ordinary pillar drill. The solution has to be riggin' it up in a mill n' boring it...
7 June 2012, 19:15

Urban Gardini What did you use? A pillar drill?
Augie heheh... you sure thats gonna cope urban?
Very vicious from you, both!😢😢😢
7 June 2012, 19:23

No problem, i can deal with that! The day will come, when i tease you!😢😛
7 June 2012, 19:26

Thank you Urban!😢
Augie, i was never teasing you and will never allow me something like that! But sometimes, i allow myself some sarcasm, but never in front of you!😉😉😉
7 June 2012, 19:34

Well, I've got a nasty mind n' is allways quick to irony n' sarcastic humour...
7 June 2012, 19:36

Wouldn´t it be easier to scratch the rest of the model that it fits to the muzzle?
Could it be 1: 56,5?
7 June 2012, 20:16

Hi Holger,
what kind of camo did you choose?
The StuG is my favourite German WWII Tank, because it is the flat sports car of all those German heavy metal... 🙂
9 June 2012, 00:15

Hey Dirk, here´s the answer!
A big thx to Mr. Golsteyn, who recommended me Gunze Clear, stunning stuff and so easy to use! Wonderful😢
16 June 2012, 18:06

Might be! I had seen a model from Guy Golsteyn and was impressed about the gloss of the "Hurricane". He told me it was Gunze and i just wanted to try it out! And i´m satisfied with it...
Just had a look in my tamiyastash and? I have X-22 at home... So i dont need to buy some glossvarnish in the next time😢!
16 June 2012, 18:25

@Holger: Welcome to AMS level 2, that's when you start going after 'must have' items while losing track of what's in your inventory 🙂 🙂 🙂
16 June 2012, 18:34

Level 2? O sh*t i´m badly infected! Well i just buy more to heal it😢!
16 June 2012, 18:38

Today i ordered the new Eduard Bf109 E1 in 48scale with all other exterior items and resinwheels and the Eduard JV44 D9 "Dual Combo" ... The Academy "Hetzer" is also on the way to me, and for all some eduard items (exept the Hetzer)... Yes i´m a kitaholic and have AMS...
16 June 2012, 19:04

Oh yes its tiny! Was a hard work to apply the camo on such a small thing... Its time for me to get back to "normal" scale´s like 1:35 or so!
17 June 2012, 04:39

Fantastic Holger! Good progress! Gives me an idea for colouring my StuG IV...
17 June 2012, 14:41

Thx Frank and Augie!!! I´m pretty suprised about myself...
The mattvarnish has to dry now, then some weathering follows😢
17 June 2012, 14:57

Hi Holger - it was a rainy day, when you take the pics :X -- nice little work.
17 June 2012, 15:07

Thx, guy´s! 🙂
Weathering is almost done and pix will follow. Despite the poor quality of the kit, the painting went better as i dreamed of...😉
18 June 2012, 06:14

can't wait to see more of the waethering, looks really good Holger, greetz Phil
18 June 2012, 08:59

Thank you Philly! I hope that i can make some shots with better light so the detail (and they are not numerous...) would be seen better!
18 June 2012, 09:03

Nice one so far, Holger!!! THUMBS UP!!! 🙂 Auf jeden Fall hast Du dieses Modell nicht verMUZZLEt... 😉 SCNR
18 June 2012, 11:55

Very clean and nice build.Exellent camo job.Will you put much weathering on it??
18 June 2012, 16:26

Well, one thing is sure n' that's the fact that he can't weather away the muzzle...
18 June 2012, 16:32

Thx Markus, you are right Urban! I´d like to make as dirty as possible, without adding mud. But it should become very dusty at all. In evry shades... We´ll see how it comes out!
18 June 2012, 16:36

Hey Michael and Frank, thank you both! But i´m not finished with this one, some more weathering needs to be done!
19 June 2012, 06:19

The small crawler! Looks nice Holger, just think where to put it before your son brings his airforce 🙂
19 June 2012, 15:59!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19 June 2012, 16:01

My maid, back in the 80`s cleaned my models with a dust brush. You could imagine the chaos in my landing strip.............
19 June 2012, 16:21

Urban, thats absolutely amazing! LOL! Do i have your permission to print that on t-shirts?😉🙂
19 June 2012, 16:37

Whenever someone, listed in this thread, metts a guy with this shirt, he has to offer him a beer!😢
19 June 2012, 16:44

@Holger: Will you be the wholeseller for that T-shirt? By the way - I love these wordgames. When your StuG is finished, we will not say "Congratulations". Instead we use muzzle tov (Mazel tov)😉
19 June 2012, 18:30

😢 I dont have a lot more to do on the Stug, so i think we´ll dont break the 300, here... But wait when i begin my Dragon Tiger 3 in 1, then 400 are possible😢
19 June 2012, 18:33

Holger - since when are you megalomaniac??? Keep cool and come down to earth...
19 June 2012, 18:37

Hey Mike, i´ll need a year for that kit, so 400 are not unimpossible😢!
19 June 2012, 18:39

Holger you're a liar -hehe - you'll build the kit in six weeks, ok in eight weeks max. and in between some little sweet muzzle tovs.................................................................😉
19 June 2012, 18:50

Not exactly a joke but...
Horst Schultz achieved 18 ft 9 in with a ?substantial? amount of seminal fluid. He also holds the records for the greatest height (12 ft 4 in) and the greatest speed of ejaculation, or ?muzzle velocity,? at 42.7 mph.
I'm pretty sure Holger's muzzle can beat those records... 😉
19 June 2012, 19:31

Aim downwind and nothing harmful will happen... to you...
Good luck 😉
19 June 2012, 19:38

This is turning into another epic thread - c/o Dirty Holly 🙂 🙂
19 June 2012, 19:39

It's more like Dirty Google
I googled muzzle jokes and one of the first hits was, well, what I copied in the topic
Just couldn't resist
19 June 2012, 19:42

Hey Aghis, its not my fault...😢 Its epic, yes you are right, c´mon guys, go on!
19 June 2012, 19:42

Not intended, nooooo but that oversize muzzle was asking for trouble 🙂
19 June 2012, 19:44

@😢 Mike, you´ll never find yourself on a "Blacklist" of mine, no worries!!!
19 June 2012, 19:54

OK - that's fine - now i will have sweet dreams...
Hope we meet tomorrow...😉
19 June 2012, 19:59

Sweet jesus... I get home from work to some 100+ notifications...
I shoulda known it would be holly's muzzle thread... 😄 can i have a t-shirt too?
19 June 2012, 21:55

Would you like to have a perfume bottle instead...............ladies prefer perfume you know. Good night to all
19 June 2012, 22:47

Augie, when you paint. The main goal is in fact to get the paint on the model n' not anywhere else...
19 June 2012, 23:00

You are really fun and good company of luck and all members are lucky to have a gal like you with us........god bless u
19 June 2012, 23:04

its not my fault urban... what god gave me gets in the way at times😉
and thanks sherif *blush*
19 June 2012, 23:33

Don't listen to Urban Augie - He is using airbrush for painting camos 🙂
In fact, he hasn't shown us any of his t-shirts, so...
20 June 2012, 12:20

n' if thinner doesn't help, try some ethylacetate. It sure cleans your sinuses...
20 June 2012, 18:18

As for my tshirts, well I fill 'em out as well but not as high up as Augie...
20 June 2012, 18:18

Ha, yeah.. windows open trying to stop blushing..... you guys are the best...
20 June 2012, 18:19

I still think there should be a corner for all E-Mails of all members as the photo albums are not enough. As for me, I have almost all modelling books which i bought or download through torrents ( i hope they never stop it as it is so useful in many ways) I would like to share but can`t as it is all in PDF format. Do all agree? As for you Augie, I have to admit I was surprised to know there is a keen female modeller who knows a lot ( the tornado for example which made me smile ). I had a girl friend once and I was reading Air International when she came and her comment was: you are wasting money on useless think you will fly? HAHAHA. I took her to imbaba airport and gave her a hell ride in Piper Commanche Twin ( I also made sure to have vomiting bags with me ) which she did. When we landed she said: what is so special of what you`ve done now..........still waste of money!!!!!!! She never saw me again. That is why all of us are very happy to have you around as we men miss the understanding of the other s*x about things we love. My wife is very different and i am so lucky. Cheers
20 June 2012, 23:48

Forget her as she just was an egocentric bimbo n' not worth any time what so ever for you. Glad to hear that your wife is sane n' appreciates you for who you are. My partner shares many of my interests as she is interested in history n' love to visit historical museums with me. She also like to watch war movies as well, she was eager n' keen to get to see The Pacific (which she loved) n' thought it was a long wait for it. She is fascinated with my modellin' but don't have it in her to build, she's too temperamental for it n' it didn't go so well when she tried to build a Ferrari once in her youth. So I guess that I'm a lucky man with a partner like her.
21 June 2012, 07:54

Hey Folks! I was a dirty boy, last week. If you like, just have a look on the 2 new pic´s.😢
This weathering showed me, that i have to buy some more pigments (really not a cheap hobby...) to archieve better results and more important, i need to train with this stuff a lot more! But it makes much fun, working with it!😢
25 June 2012, 17:11

Hmm, I don't have any pigments ready for use. I use simple chalk. For my purposes perfect and cheaper!
25 June 2012, 17:12

I tryed pastell-chalks and i think, pigments stick better to the surface. Its a feeling from the gutts... And in combination with isopropylalcohol (my first try) it is absolute fun🙂!
25 June 2012, 17:23

Looks good, your StuG IV!
I`m eager to see the result after the weathering.
25 June 2012, 18:19

Nice and muddy! Off-roading in the early 1940s...
I must build a tank some day. Never built one before, so I'd probably screw it all up by filling all the seams that actually WERE seams on the real thing.
26 June 2012, 01:36

Good job Holger. Question, you work with the MIG pigments, how do they work? Grtz Kim.
26 June 2012, 09:00

Thx for your nice and sometimes sarcastic statement´s😢!
@Kim: I wont work with something else!
26 June 2012, 09:13
Album info
Now i´d like to give me some armour. Just a small project to get the mind free. No aftermarket, only me, the kit, some glue and paint! I plan not to add the sideskirt´s, looks more impressive to me;).