Groupbuild Vietnam "Head for the Light"
3 July 2012, 06:28

Hi Holger
You´re faster than a Lightning.Tank done,next one! 🙂
3 July 2012, 06:41

Heh! heh! Off the Beach & on the Bench, it's all go ain't it... No peace for the modeler.
3 July 2012, 06:48

Someday i will built a Model (Tank )from the Vietnam- era,too.
3 July 2012, 06:48

Are the Palm leaves to fan yourself from the heat of working so hard Holger, going great so far!!!...
3 July 2012, 06:54

@Michael. 🙂 Pershing is first
Maybe the Ontos would be an option!
M50A1 Ontos (Academy 13218, 1:35)
3 July 2012, 06:58

But i know myself! I try to add as much aftermarket kit and scratch ,that it soon overdone the 6 months 🙂.And iam not the fastest builder.
3 July 2012, 07:02

Markus I've heard of a double barrel shotgun but that's ridiculous, I've never seen one of those before...
3 July 2012, 07:02

Thx for your pretty fast comments! I have to hurry me a bit `cause this is going to be my first "real" dio and i want to finish it on time...😢
3 July 2012, 07:03

Yeah,thats a very impessive vehicle (or maybe interesting)
3 July 2012, 07:05

@Markus: The Ontos would fit in perfect, so why not joining us with it? Would be nice to learn to do dio´s from you!😉
3 July 2012, 07:05

@Markus: Come on in! ONTOS go!
Let's see December is a target, but not as the final end. If we don't finish at the point, who cares? We're not in a competition with a fixed delivery date. We're doing this for fun, right?😉
3 July 2012, 07:12

Absolutely! Fun is the most important thing and stands first!
3 July 2012, 07:14

By the way - you're all talking about doing a dio. I just planned to get the Huey done (if I come that far...). Mmmh, may be a beach scene can do it.... Sand, sand, sand....😉
3 July 2012, 07:14

Oh,man !!! You force me into something.
Allthough it is itching me to do that.But the Ontos and a dio ??
To do this i must lock me into my workroom,and will not see the light of day for months.
I dont want to think about ,how "Excited" my family would be!
3 July 2012, 07:15

@Markus: I dont wanna force you but its already a long time till December. Maybe you join or you give hints and comments. Main taget is to have fun and to entertain the scalemates-audition😢
3 July 2012, 07:23

Ha , ha ,Mates 🙂
Now i got to work .See you later!
3 July 2012, 07:43

@Markus: I November/December it's dark outside. You won''t see the light anyway.😉
3 July 2012, 08:22

Hey, hey! Holger, you're ahead of all of us... Till December you will be able to finish a second kit...😉
3 July 2012, 18:32

I researched the whole drive home by train via my iphone.And squadron/signal "Ontos walkaround " is almost bought.So much for the research 🙂
3 July 2012, 19:13

Oh yeah, Aghis, what about something completely different? C'mon😢!
3 July 2012, 20:45

Hi Mates
This was a wakefull night.It screamed "OOOONNNTTTOOSSS,,,,OOOONNNTTTOOOSSSSS.
Ontos in the Jungle.Ontos in Fight.Ontos at Rest.Oh ,man!!!
I must first concentrate on my Pershing 🙂
4 July 2012, 05:51

@Michael, Augie and Holly: Join in ? Are you all in the Group build ? 🙂
4 July 2012, 16:41

Hey Aghis... yes... I was one of the early ones to be press ganged in.. i mean volenteer😢
4 July 2012, 17:53

This has to be the first intercontinental group build then !!! 🙂
4 July 2012, 18:02

🙂 Well, I think its the first scalemates group build (may be wrong) and international.. so come on.. join in you know you wanna
4 July 2012, 18:06

Augie Hey Aghis... yes... I was one of the early ones to be press ganged in.. i mean volenteer
Ha,ha Augie.The same happens to me.Holger ,Steve and Michael did so much "pressure"on me that i did not have an alternative ! 🙂
4 July 2012, 18:15

welcome to the build.. I thnhk you have seen the main thread with the rules.
4 July 2012, 18:19

they a bit spread all over the place...
ok, it has to be 1:35... it has to be vietnam related.. if it is US.. then it must have a surfboard.. oh and aiming to compleat in december ish
4 July 2012, 18:44

So everyone makes his own bit and then somehow you are going to put them together ?
4 July 2012, 19:22

You are making it hard for me, I usually make planes with crosses or meatballs on them...🙂
4 July 2012, 19:38

And the cookies are great! Yes Aghis, i couldnt say it better than Augie! If you like to do something absolutely different, so join in!
4 July 2012, 20:57

Yes and this kit is really fun! Just the stern-section needs some filler. I tryed to remove too much putty, the way Zimmi told me. With Mr.Thinner, it works very good, i can recommend that!
5 July 2012, 09:07

Thank you for the advice, Zimmi, its wonderful and works with squadron and revell putty!
5 July 2012, 09:18

yesterday I read the technique also should work with isopropanol - much cheaper than mr thinner
5 July 2012, 09:29

@Holger and Zimmi
What technique are you talking about???
Is there a link were i can read it too ,Zimmi?
5 July 2012, 10:20

I did some small work on the stern. When i complete the section, some pix will follow. Its really fun to build this boat, even when the molds are that old. I also did some kitbashing with different kits to get another weaponry. So its closer to the armarment-setup, Seal Team 2 used on ops on the Bassackriver.
12 July 2012, 09:25

After that i need to correct some of the gun´s. The M60 from one of the gunners f. e. is total incorrect. The original was stripped down of every unnecessary weight. The sight where removed, no bipod, a helodoorgunners buttstock and the barrel was shortened. So they could carry more ammo in the jungle. You know, the motto was: Spray and pray!😢
12 July 2012, 11:12

Yes,very cool!!!
And great research !How did you know that with the guns??
12 July 2012, 18:39

As i wrote in the intro, im very intersted in SEAL ops in Nam. I Read about 12 or 14 books of first hand accounts from former SEAL's and collected as much in Intel as i could grab! Besides that, One of my other hobbys is collecting firearms and im a former paratrooper, so i have a affinity to guns...
12 July 2012, 18:48

Research is very important.My "Ontos in action (walkaround ) is on its way.
For the built of my Pershing i got 4 books,but even now i found details that i add not in the built of this tank (very annoying)!
12 July 2012, 18:58

Hi Augie - it's nice - today I've learned somthing new in your language... (swear word)
12 July 2012, 19:06

Heee, my teacher missed to teach me that. Thanks, Augie!
@Holger: You need to share some of the "words" with us. I could need it for my job - sometimes....😉
12 July 2012, 19:23

Oh nö, Aghis! As a seal you just have to use " blankty blank" As much As possible!😢
12 July 2012, 19:31

Man,just google "swear word" and you got enough (i did it 🙂
I dont want Holly to be shut out ,just because he is teaching us "behaviour" 😉
12 July 2012, 19:50

@Markus: Yepp, I googled that. That's why I want Holger to teach us more...😉
12 July 2012, 19:53

Ha , Ha !!
Its a great conversation.Thats why i love this place.Its almost you got an hour with a psychiatrist!
Just tell your problems and thoughts 🙂
12 July 2012, 20:02

if I may be a little imperrutive about " swear words ", ladies and gentleman, watch " Deadwood ", and I swear you all are gonna be polite...🙂
12 July 2012, 20:28

Ok, let's go for some lessons --
12 July 2012, 20:37

The stern-section is ready now. The enginehatches and some small parts have to be attached and then i can start the paintjob on this lil critter. As i said before, it pure fun!🙂
13 July 2012, 08:16

Thank you, Michael! I had a puttybattle at the rear but it turned out satisfying! I´m not sure about the colour. Should be olive drab all over, i think. Gunze or Tamiya, thats the question but does it really make a difference? We will see...😉
13 July 2012, 09:06

Dot method? Never heard about that! Can you explain it, please?
13 July 2012, 09:29

Ah, i know what you mean! I know it as "fading". Yes i plan to create a busy finish wich is not monotone! I tryed it on an old model and it works nice!
13 July 2012, 09:54

Hi folks!
The buildingprocess is finished, only 3 wires have got to be attached. So i´m gonna smell some paint already😢
17 July 2012, 11:11

Yes, i think so, too. And i´m looking forward to dunk it into paint😢!
17 July 2012, 11:25

Perfect! Now comes the interesting part for me as a brushpainter - how do you paint the interior?
17 July 2012, 14:14

Hi Frank!
The interior will get "olive drab" by airbrush , despite the seats and the radar. They´ve been prepainted and added as last. The other instruments will get painted like you with brush and Revellenamels!
17 July 2012, 14:17

Yeah, but especially the instruments are difficult to reach, when assembled. I would have painted them before assembly. I'm really curious, how this will work out. Or aren't the parts glued yet?
17 July 2012, 17:50

Its already glued but there is more than enough place to paint! I would'nt have assembled it, if i'm not convinced that all will be in reach for a brush😉
17 July 2012, 18:58

I already began the paintjob after pre-shading. I'll post some pix, maybe tomorrow!🙂
17 July 2012, 19:00

This pix show the first basecoat of olive drab. Some highlight and fading will applyed, but for that work i need to be in the right mood. Lets see, maybe this evening!
20 July 2012, 11:21

Hi Holger!
The paintjob looks nice so far. What colors did you use?
20 July 2012, 11:25

Thanks Christian!
Olive drab is from Tamiya (XF5?) and the pre-shading is vallejo RLM66. I plan to use RLM66 even for the chipping, but before i´ll try around a bit.
20 July 2012, 11:37

THX Frank!
Yesterday i figured out, why i have so much fun with this one: I dont have to mask anything!!!😢
20 July 2012, 11:49

Looks very good ,so far.Iam still working on my Pershing (did the track and road wheel weathering on one side,no time for the other side because Job was waiting).
Looking forward for the chipping!
20 July 2012, 13:08

Thank you all very much!🙂 actually im sitting at the harbour and enjoy the sun, but later the day i'll rush back to the bench!
21 July 2012, 11:50

Hey! Holly!! you remind me of that old Status Quo single "Living On An Island"🙂🙂🙂
21 July 2012, 12:03

As promised, some new pix are available! I worked with 3 different layers of paint and it is still fresh!
27 July 2012, 06:43

Ok, gives a good impression, where it's heading. Looking good! Thanks for the update, Holger!
27 July 2012, 07:09

Oh Frank thank you! The faded green look total different on the pix and i hope its better when dry. But i´m satisfied at all. With some oils and pigments it will look like a ol´ workhorse...😉
27 July 2012, 07:27

I think you are doing the right thing Holger! Keep adding little details to highlight all those lines and corners. Looks promising!
27 July 2012, 10:31

Thank you Michael and Aghis!
I try to keep up my motivation and my love to the details!
27 July 2012, 11:12

Thanks, Kim and Harry! Its a great funproject, but i need more time... as usual...!😉
1 August 2012, 06:33

THX Philly! The flashlight makes the pic´s a bit wrong with the coloures. The last pic showes the result i wanted!
1 August 2012, 09:14

Hi Holly, looking good my man! Something not often seen, me like that. I'm curious... ich bin gespannt... 😉
1 August 2012, 09:20

Willy, my friend, glad you like it! Ich bin auch gespannt!😢😢
1 August 2012, 09:34

Nabend Holger sieht so aus als ob dir die Vorschattierung "abgesoffen" ist, oder täuscht das auf den Bildern.
Gruß aus dem Schwarzwald Manne
2 August 2012, 19:28

Danke Cookie!
Moin Manfred! Die Bilder sind gemacht worden als die Farbe noch frisch war. Ich hätte auch nicht mit Blitz aufnehmen sollen...
3 August 2012, 07:01

Servus Holger, ich hab mir für meine Fotoshootings so einen großen Fotokarton aus dem
Schreibwarengeschäft geholt vllt ist das ja was für die Zukunft.
Gruß Manne
3 August 2012, 10:53

Hi Manne,
ja sowas hab ich auch, ist nur im Umzugsstress verloren gegangen... Werd ich mir aber auch wieder zulegen!😢
Gruß, Holger
3 August 2012, 11:09

Hi Holly,
nice paintjob so far! What are your next steps?
Wish you a steady hand and patience!
16 August 2012, 19:32

Some progress is made over here. I modified some of the weapons, such as the Stoners. Barrel was a bit shortened so that a "commando-version" comes out. Magazinedrums got some ammo. And the M60 lost it buttstock. Pics will follow!
2 September 2012, 11:09

I'm working on it no with the help o Metallica master of puppets and hsb iconoclast!
9 October 2012, 22:47

Holger 🙂, schau dir mal diesen Baubericht an, ich Glaube der wird dich sehr interessieren.
12 November 2012, 15:18

Hi Holger, Great Minds think alike I just finished a "Pibber" I will post some photo's. I will be back in Germany next week.... Joe
12 November 2012, 17:18

shweeet love this era with in reason good job mate looking good and good luck with those tricky little plastic people
8 February 2013, 12:37

Holger, Just got to do one to go along with the "Pibber". I have to do a couple of figures too. Going back to the states on Friday. I have a few ideas in mind for both the "Pibber" and "Seal" boats. Joe
10 February 2013, 07:53

Hello Joe!
That sounds good! Lookin' forward your Kiowa!
10 February 2013, 11:16

Good Morning Holger, from Chicago my LSSC came yesterday.. just thinking about a display with another Pibber in the water.. Also pick up the new He-219 wow! Going to have to build an addition on the house.. Joe
20 February 2013, 13:52

Hi Joe!
That sounds promising with the LSSC!
Have you got the Revell or the Zokei Mura He 219? But anyway, these kits are huge and its always good to have enough place to store them😢!
20 February 2013, 13:54

Interesting build what with all the Eduard plants and animals, one assumes this is all for a diorama ?
I've just bought this boat coincidentally for my own Vietnam diorama.
13 June 2014, 16:18

Due to my move, i stored it deep in the abyss of my man cave but one day i will let it arise on my bench! Thats a promise!😢
14 June 2014, 08:06
Album info
This is the beginning of my part of a groupbuild featuring the Vietnam-era in 1:35. My object is the Light SEAL Support Craft from DML. The fit is very good so far and the figures are very nice detailed. Lets see what i can press out of this box! Hoooaaa!;)