F-16C Block 50/52+
July 18, 20132
July 18, 20133
July 18, 20134
July 18, 20135
July 18, 20136
July 18, 20137
March 8, 2014Sanded CFTs finally, after the first layer of the main camo grey8
March 8, 2014It will get Polish AF markings afterwards9
May 5, 2014Main colour - ready10
May 5, 201411
June 7, 2014ready for camo12
June 7, 2014first layer of camo sprayed13
June 24, 2014at the first sight, it looked promising...14
June 24, 2014... but at a closer look it's not so good, now trying to fix it somehow15
July 20, 2014not perfect yet, but the main problem has been fixed16
May 5, 2014That's the idea of the equipment - maybe there will be AMRAAMs at the wingtips too17
July 6, 201518
July 6, 201519
September 12, 201520
September 16, 201521
January 12, 201622
January 12, 201623
January 12, 20162 issues found after varnish - I have to fix it somehow24
February 13, 201625
February 13, 2016the little white-grey box thing will become the braking parachute...26
February 23, 201627
February 23, 201628
February 27, 2016The last turn in progress ...29
March 2, 201630
March 2, 201631
March 2, 201632
March 2, 201633
March 2, 201634
March 2, 201635
March 2, 201636
March 2, 201637
March 2, 2016
Album info
Revell kit + Eduard etchings + Techmod decals + ModelMaker decals