Fire Island Lightship
1 11 May 2014, 10:44
Back to building after a little hiatus of a few weeks. Update on the Fire Island Lightship is posted.
5 June 2014, 20:10
Great admiration for scratch building. Something I've never attempted.respect
9 June 2014, 08:00
Thanks H K! Building ships is a tank-less job 🙂
Thanks Jonathan. I like kit-bashing and scratch-building 🙂
10 June 2014, 18:09
All finished except for the rigging, which can't be done until after she is mailed to her new owner...
3 August 2014, 21:29
Very kind George, but the Biber can´t match with your light ship. Du sollst dein Licht nicht unter den Scheffel stellen! No idea what the translation is.
5 August 2014, 11:10
Finally finished with the lightship LV-114, Fire Island! Some new pictures up.
5 September 2014, 17:52
Great job! Quite a bit of alterations for the Bridge, Horn Room etc.
17 November 2014, 13:45
I admire your scratchbuilding skills ! Great result, nicely weathered !
17 November 2014, 20:48