3´rd Scalemates Meeting 2015 Wangerooge
5 March 2015, 13:11

We are all looking forward to the build mate........................BRING IT ON. 🙂
5 March 2015, 13:13

Yihaaaaw, in ten days it goes on the modeling road and then i have a week to finish it! Modeling with mates from dusk till dawn and vice versa!
5 March 2015, 14:14

Oh i see, i have the greatest audience, i could dream of!😄
On monday i received the Gunze coloures, as introduced in the instructions for the desert camo on the boxart. But the bright sand tone definately doesnt looks like the one on the boxart... I hope, i dont have to mix it up to make it look like...
What would you you say? Is a loadout with tanks and bombs unrealistic for such a agressor Viper?
6 March 2015, 09:07

Have you researched any of the images from Google yet on the bird and squadron yet Holger. ?
There are 200 pages of images of just the F-16 there. 🙂
6 March 2015, 09:30

Hi Holger, here is a typical loadout AIM-9 M or AIM-9X and a ALQ-188 jamming pod may some will carry tanks
6 March 2015, 09:36

Hi guys!
By now, i saw them only in dogfight configuration. But i was wondering if they may flew/train bomb raids, too!
6 March 2015, 09:43

Hi Mikey!
Thats what Eduard wrote in their instructions, too! But i wonder why they never have been upgraded to C´s or so?
6 March 2015, 10:14

Oh that helps a lot!!! I think i have X57 at home! The other coloures, eduard suggested, looks as they will match fine. Maybe i give me a testspray this evening!
Do you have a good hint how to make a tinted canopy?
6 March 2015, 10:24

I guess I won't finish anything during the week at Wangerooge, because I'll be watching Holger all the time! Beautiful subject!!!
6 March 2015, 16:06

Hello Holger, also have this kit in my stash, I think I will build the Edwards AFB Version. I am curious about the fitting, as the main fuselage looks a little bit complicated to build...Cheers, Christian
6 March 2015, 16:26

Ingmar, lets sit together! So wie can watch us during our builds 🙂
@ Christian, I'm curious too! The more i read the instruction sheet, the more i hope that putty wont be needed...
@ Bernd, thanks a lot, dude!;)
6 March 2015, 19:39

I would translate it to Tamiya Liquid Cement. Or maybe Thin Liquid Cement
7 March 2015, 07:27

That might be the right translation, it makes sense😢
I have to admit, i have no experiences with Kinetic kits, I have a Wingman rebox of their Alpha Jet but i never build one of ´em!😢
7 March 2015, 07:30

Oh i will save "TLC" in my thesaurus! So it all about a good dryfit? Sounds managable to me!😢
7 March 2015, 13:16

Holger: tinted canopy hint: use future with a bit of coloring and voila, you have a tinted canopy.
Here's a link describing the procedure: arcair.com/tnt1/001-..Canopies-Gok/00.shtm
PS: don't be wondered if the nose of your F-16 looks like drooping down... That's one of the mistakes Kinetic made on their F-16's.
9 March 2015, 08:28

Günther i hope you are kidding me!!! I nearly got a cardiac arrest!!!😢😢
Thanks for the hint and the link. But it seems as my F-16 doesnt had a tinted canopy. So i dont need to worrie about it!🙂
9 March 2015, 08:39

Holger, I'm not kidding you in regards of the nose:
However, they luckily corrected the issue with their latest releases 🙂
it now all depends an which "version" Eduard has used for this reboxing....
I've got ot myself, but didn't have the chance yet to check it out...
9 March 2015, 08:53

Have you ever heard of Mercurochrome. ?
It is the stuff you wipe on a cut that has a golden brown colour, and diluted in alcohol, it takes on the same colour as Tamiya clear yellow and can be diluted to the desired 'tint' you are looking for.
You can buy it at any chemist store and is also called 'iodine'.
It is in fact a disinfectant.
9 March 2015, 09:22

I have learned to adapt and overcome when a situation arises that can be solved in other ways that are not always "Hobby Related", like using acetone (which you will never see recommended in any instructions), as all kinds of things are used by creative and inventive modellers when confronted by a 'situation'.
Just because it is used in the medical field, it should not 'exclude' as such.
I use scalpel blades instead of "Hobby" blades because I get better results, so does that mean they are not "Hobby related". ?
I suggested using Mercurochrome because I have used it before to tint some clear parts and it has worked well and can be polished without loosing any coverage.
I have also found that when the Tamiya clear paints are diluted with alcohol, it starts to get small particals form that makes it look 'grainy' and to overcome that problem, I looked at other products that would not be affected that way, and I tried Mercurochrome, as I had just cut my finger and had used some in the water I washed the cut in and it was something I tried, and it turned out ok. !
I hope that eases your concern Mike. 🙂
9 March 2015, 10:18

I am not being defensive, I just like you to know your informed. blah blah blah. :-/
9 March 2015, 22:49

Ich wünsche Euch allen eine schöne und entspannende Woche mit viel Spaß.
Eigentlich wäre ich auch gerne auf Deiner Insel.
Was will man denn mehr? Modellbau, nette Leute und das weite Meer!
Herzliche Geburtstagsgrüße an Thommsen.
Mein Neid wird Euch ewig hinterher hinken und doch nie erreichen.... 🙂
16 March 2015, 12:16

Ha, da sind ja die ersten Fotos. Habe schon drauf gewartet. Bei Frank hast du doch eines vom letzten Jahr genommen-oder? 😄
16 March 2015, 17:32

Thank you very much Boys! Its already a great happening! So many fun and so many problems to solve😢
Herzlichen Dank Jungs! Wir haben jetzt schon unglaublich viel Spaß! Es gilt zwar auch ein paar Klippen zu umschiffen aber dafür sind wir ja Modellbauer!😢 und nein Lemmy, Frank sieht einfach immer so aus!😄
16 March 2015, 21:17

Problems ??? What are you saying Holger.? Ha Ha Ha, was there not enough beer ? 🙂
16 March 2015, 21:59

The pe pinger was a wittnes, just as me, at the Wedding of Mike and Marina! It was a great Moment!
18 March 2015, 00:13

heyyy please pass on my congratulations to them 🙂
And I love her hair colour😄
18 March 2015, 00:36

Booah habt ihr es schön da oben 👍 Und an Marina und Mike: Herzlichen Glückwunsch euch Beiden! 👍 Da nagt es doch doppelt an mir, dass ich nicht dabei sein kann 😭 Schöne Tage noch 🙂
18 March 2015, 07:49

Jonns, du sprichst mir aus der Seele. Wäre auch gerne dabei gewesen.
18 March 2015, 18:09

Marina jnd Mike, auch von mir auf diesem Wege noch mal Herzliche Glückwünsche. Vieleicht sehen wir uns ja in FFB
18 March 2015, 18:10

Many happy days ahead and congrats from Australian modellers too guys 🙂 🙂 🙂
18 March 2015, 21:54

Augie, for sure i´ll pass your greetings to them!😄
Guys, the marriage was really a singular moment! We sat at the bench, went to the marriage, ate something together and went back to bench again! That was indeed a modellers delight at its best!😄😄
18 March 2015, 23:20

Best whishes to the both of them!
Just one question: Jever lime? Shouldn´t that be banned according to the Geneva Convention? 😛😉
18 March 2015, 23:42

Fabian, i had it around 1200 o´clock! I/We wanted to start smooth into the day!😢 I was sitting in a "Beachbasket", listening to "TotenHosen 1000 Gute Gründe"... It was just phucking greeat!!!😄
18 March 2015, 23:47

Mikey! Its Phucking late or very early in Aussieland!😄
I´ll pass ém all your nice congrats! And i´ll post some new wedding pix!
18 March 2015, 23:58

Na super.... wieder ein Highlight verpasst.. Glückwunsch den frisch "getrauten" 👍😉
19 March 2015, 00:07

Oh Stefan, wo gibts das schon, dass Modellbauer einen Modellbauer heiraten? Du hast also wirklich was verpasst!😄
19 March 2015, 00:10

Up to a new day at the bench! Joerg R. is joining us today!
19 March 2015, 08:31

A modelling wedding! What's nice idea! Congratulations to Mike and Marina!
19 March 2015, 10:11

Happy modeling together Marina and Mike! This meeting turned out to have a romantic tone.
19 March 2015, 17:01

To the newly married couple, wish all the best, look like guys you having a lot of fun.
19 March 2015, 22:56

Now the meeting is over and the guys and Marina leave tomorrow at 09:00... The week was over much too fast! Now i´m looking forward the next year!
You cant imagine how much fun we had and how often we laughted to our guts! 😄
I learned a lot about modeling and all the subjects we had. Especially Frank´s dirty humor is refreshing and breathtaking!
A big thanks to all who made me laugh and made this week the best i had in modeling (and the most un-sober)!!!
21 March 2015, 19:57

But I have no idea if the fun will be the same with such a big group ... maybe we should find out. 🙂
21 March 2015, 21:40

I´d say, if we become more than 12, we should move to the Oberdeck!
21 March 2015, 21:43

Or you find someone to install more and new lamps for the middle table on the Palette
21 March 2015, 21:44

And where to put pizza and beer?
No kidding, that would solve the problem!
21 March 2015, 21:45

The Pizza would indeed be the problem ... but hey ... we are modellers - we fix any problem! 🙂
21 March 2015, 21:47

You got it, babe, you got it! And the view in the Oberdeck must be really cool!😢
21 March 2015, 21:49

Next year with you, Guido?
I have not forgotten our bet, if you come, i´ll build a racecar!😉
22 March 2015, 12:40

Klasse! Gratuliere zur gelungenen Veranstaltung und vor allem Marina und Mike zur Hochzeit. Alles Gute für Euch beide!!!!!
23 March 2015, 16:24

Hallo Mates - eine super Woche - ersetzt vier Wochen Urlaub. Besse als Runde 2.
Herzlichen Dank auch für eure guten Wüncshe zu unserer Hochzeit! Das hat uns sehr gefreut!
23 March 2015, 18:31

Hi Mates - it was an absolute great event. Better than four weeks (regular) holidays!!!
Many thanks to all for the wedding congratulations - We are very happy about it.
23 March 2015, 18:39

It was a pleasure to be a tiny part of this event. Did come on thursday and found new mates very quick. Thx Holger and all the others. See you next year for sure! 🙂🙂🙂
23 March 2015, 21:35
Album info
Hi Dudes!
This precious little gems will arise from my bench during the Scalemates Meeting. Oh damn, i´m really looking forward the build! 😄
And as you can see, we had a modelers wedding ... Isnt that really special?