24 12 January 2017, 14:07

It's a pretty good kit. Built it around 2005-06. What's special about that nose art?
13 January 2017, 15:57

@Patrick: Yup, solely because of it 🙂
@Alex: Lanny's noseart was a gauntlet crushing a messerchmitt on the Polish checkerboard flag background (pic added). He even had a smaller version made to put on his flying jacket.
13 January 2017, 17:31

Have this kit two times in my stash, so i will be following you on this one!
16 February 2017, 17:11

Hah, surprise - Revell Aqua Colour Lufthansa Blue 🙂 (same as for my F4U4)
Btw., just overpainted the alu with Tamiya today, to cover all the blemishes underneath (Alclad didn't want to hide it)😉
24 April 2017, 19:39

The blue looks metallic and different from the F4U4. Is it just because of the photograph?
25 April 2017, 07:33

I presume so, it has been simply sprayed over the black primer. I didn't upload latest pics yet, but I had some troubles with the alu color on the leading edges and one of the results was thin metallic mist over the blue colour on the wings. I decided to add one more blue layer and it should be back to what I expect.
25 April 2017, 09:54

Just looked at the Corsair's pics once again and I think there are 2 differences: the Jug has a lot thinner layers sprayed on (I'm still learning 🙂) and I didn't spray the varnish yet (planned for today or tomorrow)
25 April 2017, 10:00

Ah yes, the dust might explain it. I´m still unsure, which color i will use for mine. Tough from what i recently found out, i might go with black.
25 April 2017, 17:36

Well, I decided to go for dark blue, but wouldn't recommend black. As far as I'm concerned the colour pics and pilots' memories recall something like "dark plum". Maybe something in beetween? I collected some pictures from the internets, will try to upload them in the evening.
26 April 2017, 06:10

Well i found sources for almost anything from black to dark plum and to dark blue. I think you won´t be able to ever really tell what it was, however the sources i found most believable is the account of a pilot that flew one of these: p47.kitmaker.net/mod..id=127214&page=1
26 April 2017, 06:37

You may be right, but I based my theory on the photo below, fuselage seems to be much lighter than a prop, which I presume must have been painted black 🙂
26 April 2017, 06:41

In fact, i think everyone may be right/wrong. Sadly no one officially recorded which color was used and the references you find aren´t real proof. So far i only found people who wrote what they heard from someone who they suppose had to know. I just asked for your reference, since i haven´t given hope up to find out. And it´s a quite interesting topic. Anyhow, i like the blue tone of yours. 🙂
26 April 2017, 17:41

Thanks, I have to upload new pics before the weekend, cause after last layer of blue it looks even more metallic for some reason😉
27 April 2017, 07:24

Can´t wait to see them. What are you going to do about the position lights on the wing tips? Not sure how i will do them on my modell.
27 April 2017, 07:37

The plan is to: scratchbuild them using some clear leftovers, then drill from the inside a bit, put a drop of paint onto the drilled hole, glue everything in place, polish and in the end - cover with Gauzy Agent. Will see if I can manage that.
27 April 2017, 08:15

New pics uploaded. Borders between blue and alu need minor corrections, first coat of pactra varnish is on. It's bit white on the bottom of the wings in the places where I sprayed too much alclad earlier on (I plan to cover it again with tamiya's alu and gunze varnish this time). The lighter shade of blue on topside of wings is not visible w/o macro - it's just thinner layer of gloss varnish.
27 April 2017, 19:54

Finished the decalling and it turns out two days of Micro Sol therapy are not enough, the Revell decals seem to be quite thick 🙁
I decided to take a short break from this project and thinking of using a subtle layer of the acrylic cleaner to soften the decals.
9 May 2017, 06:27

Same over here, vallejo decal medium and decal fix couldn´t do much on mine either. That´s the thing with 20 year old kits. 🙁
9 May 2017, 07:36

Might be, but it applies only for the 1990s decals😉 For example Plasticart decals (from the 1970s or 80s) like the Micro Sol very much...
9 May 2017, 08:06

Too much solvent + brush to distrbute it = destroyed wing roundels. Have to acquire the US roundels from Techmod asap. 🙁
So, a lesson learned - don't use the OOB decals from this kit, they're too thick, even now they don't want to show the panel lines...
10 May 2017, 19:07

I´m thinking about "rescribing" the panel lines on the decals at the moment.
11 May 2017, 06:18

I have to warn you then - I cut the decals subtly along the lines, but still they try to keep shape... 🙁
11 May 2017, 06:22

Oh my... this really takes away my motivation on finishing mine. thanks for the warning tough! It´s really a shame, cause the decals really make your paintjob come out good.
11 May 2017, 06:25

Folks, I need your say - the stars have been overdecalled with the Techmod ones, but the white on the bars is darker now - would you leave it? Or would you play with cutting white decal sheet? I just can't decide
23 June 2017, 19:51

Looks good. Hard to say what to do. I think i would try out the white decal sheet on a cheap kit like this, in case i need to do it on a more expensive one in the future. And actually what could go wrong?
23 June 2017, 20:16

Cutting might not be the straightest😉 I also thought of spraying - either smoke over the stars or white over the bars - but the masking seems too risky to me
23 June 2017, 20:36

I really had to look for what you meant. I didn't notice untill I knew what to look for. Mayby some light weathering will tone it down.
23 June 2017, 22:38

Thanks for the comments guys, I think I'll try first overdecalling. In case it won't work (because of cutting errors or panel line issues caused by thick decals) my plan B will be very thin layer of Tamiya smoke over the stars.
24 June 2017, 21:12

Interesting paint scheme Lucasz! I definately wouldn't mask over the decals. Over decalling sounds like the better plan.... At least, thats what I would do...
25 June 2017, 00:51

Nice plane with a very nice paint scheme, never saw that before. But I really think you have a issue with your airbrush. Especially in pictures 8/9 you can see that the paint is not well atomized (splattered). After a few layers you get a Orange peel effect you se in the last pictures. Maybe to low pressure, paint to thick or the nozzle damaged?
22 July 2017, 08:06

Thanks guys for your comments 🙂
@Lex: Well, in case of the Yellow Zinc Chromate you're absolutely right, the paint was bit too thick. However the black stuff is the Citadel primer from the can, but it has some kind of levelling thinner in it and it's always smooth afterwards 🙂
22 July 2017, 08:50

Almost ready - weathered a bit on the underside, sealed it with matt varnish, added the antenna (original taken by the carpet monster) and the metal pitot (as above 🙂 ). Propeller is drying, canopy frames need minor corrections and the masking fluid left some marks, hopefully to be fixed using gauzy agent...
1 August 2017, 19:22

Thanks folks, however I still wonder whether the smoke on the underside isn't too heavy. And I found some blotches on the red part of cowling, but I'm gonna pretend it's the weathering too (probably these are small dots of dried paint splashed around during removal of the canopy mask)
2 August 2017, 06:38

Very good looking P-47. Great work. I am working on the HV-Z and HV-J
2 August 2017, 07:36

Thank you Martien, looking forward to seeing more pics of your HV-Z
2 August 2017, 08:28

Thanks a lot. The kit is v.nice indeed, but beware of the decals - they're rather thick and don't really like Micro Set & Sol fluids.
7 September 2017, 06:03

Looking good Łukasz! I presume this P-47 was flown by a Polish pilot?
7 September 2017, 07:01

Thanks. Of course it was 🙂 by Witold "Lanny" Łanowski
7 September 2017, 08:39

Very nice result, Lukasz! I built this kit years ago. But your build is way better. Congratulations! 👌
13 January 2023, 07:32

Thanks and congratulations to y'all old-stuff-diggers 😛 👍
18 January 2023, 10:52

Thanks once again 👍
It's a really nice kit after all. This edition has quite thick decals, but come on, how often can you find such a noseart?! 😄
18 January 2023, 20:31
Album info
Revell's P-47M in Lanowski's camo HV-Z with a very distinctive nose-art