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Wouter Roerdink (wouter.roerdink)

The first, the last and the many: The Mk.Vb


21 15 July 2022, 10:33
Andy Ball
Lovely brace of 24th Spitfires there!, I'm currently wrestling with the Airfix Mk.1a that you have completed. They look so impressive in this scale, well done!
 15 July 2022, 12:11
Wouter Roerdink Autor
 11 February 2023, 20:42

Album info

An album showing all the Spitfires I built

123 imagens
1:24 Spitfire LF.Mk.IX/9 (Dutch Decal DD2403)1:24 Spitfire Mk Vb (Airfix A12005A)1:24 Instrument Panel Decals - Spitfire Mk 1/Vb (Airscale AS24 SPA)1:24 Sutton "QK" Harness (HGW Models 124505)1:24 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IXc (Airfix A17001)1:24 Seatbelts RAF WWII late (Eduard 23006)1:24 Dutchies in the RAF: Typhoon, Spitfire, Mosquito (Dutch Decal 2401)2+
Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk.IXc
NL Luchtvaartbrigade (Netherlands Army Aviation Brigade 1939-1953)
322 Sqn. H-53, MH424 Donald Duck
1948 - Semarang AB ID
Jungle green, light blue grey

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