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West German Tank Leopard A4

Tamiya | No. 35112 | 1:35

Boxart Leopard A4 35112 Tamiya


16 imagini
Leopard at the berlin wallView album, image #16
Finally got the entire thing done, my first actual diorama, some more weathering could be applied and some wash to the g...
No Diorama material sheet - stone paving B (Tamiya 87166)1:35 Leopard A4 (Tamiya 35112)No Diorama Sheet (Brick) (Tamiya 87168)2+
5 imagini
Tamiya Leopard 1A4View album, image #1
Proiect: Leopard A4
1:35 Leopard A4 (Tamiya 35112)
34 imagini
AvancesView album, image #26
Proiect: Leopard 1A4
1:35 Leopard A4 (Tamiya MM212)1:35 Leopard A4 (Tamiya 35112)
6 imagini
Leopard A4 (Paint Mule).View album, image #6
1:35 Leopard A4 (Tamiya 35112)
4 imagini
MyAlbumView album, image #1
1:35 Leopard 1 A3/A4 (Meng Model TS-007)1:35 Australische Leopard Panzer (Peddinghaus-Decals EP 2411)1:35 Australian Leopard AS1 (Mouse House Enterprises MAD631)13+
11 imagini
UN Leopard A4View album, image #1
1:35 Leopard A4 (Tamiya 35112)