baza de date de modelare a trenurilor | manager de rezervă6X4 Truck Krupp Protze
(Kfz. 70) Personnel Carrier
Tamiya | No. 35317 | 1:35
Conținutul cutiei
- 1x Plastic sprue (black) Vedere
- 1x Reference: A Plastic sprue (dark gray) Vedere
- 1x Reference: B Plastic sprue (dark gray) Vedere
- 1x Reference: C Plastic sprue (dark gray) Vedere
- 1x Reference: D Plastic sprue (dark gray) Vedere
- 1x Reference: Z Plastic sprue (dark gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic strips (clear) Vedere
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) (multi-colored) Vedere
- 1x Cable (brass) Vedere
- 1x Instructions (Paper) (black & white) Vedere
- 1x Instructions (Paper) (black & white) Vedere
Krupp Protze
Kfz. 70 Krupp Protze
Waffen SS (1933-1945)
- 2 SS-Pz.Div. Das Reich -5537
Iunie 1944 World War 2»Battle of Normandy - Toulouse 
RAL7021 dunkelgrau - 2 SS-Pz.Div. Das Reich -6106
Iunie 1944 World War 2»Battle of Normandy - Toulouse 
RAL7021 dunkelgrau
Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)
- 11 Inf.Div. WH-182370
World War 2
RAL7021 dunkelgrau - 21 Inf.Div. WH-182370
World War 2
RAL7021 dunkelgrau - 32 Inf.Div. WH-182370
World War 2
RAL7021 dunkelgrau - 4 Pz.Div. WH-122595
World War 2
RAL7021 dunkelgrau - 46 Inf.Div. WH-182370
World War 2
RAL7021 dunkelgrau - 5 Pz.Div. WH-122595
World War 2
RAL7021 dunkelgrau - Pz.Gren.Div. WH-122595
World War 2
RAL7021 dunkelgrau
Wehrmacht Luftwaffe (German Air Force 1935-1945)
- WL-135183
World War 2
RAL7021 dunkelgrau
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