baza de date de modelare a trenurilor | manager de rezervă
Wouter Roerdink (wouter.roerdink)

Alouette III Dutch Royal Flight


27 March 2025, 22:04 -

Album info

One of the three Alouettes that still fly with the Dutch Royal Flight. The Alouette has been flying for fifty years now. I used a Heller kit and the recently issued decals of Dutch Decal. I added an extra step to enable a royal entry, mesh to the intake, an aerial to the tail and an orange window. And don't forget the coat hanger to put the royal coat on!

3 imagini
1:72 SA.316/319 Alouette III (Heller Humbrol 80225)1:72 Alouette II/III (Dutch Decal DD72078)

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