5'th Jubilee Scalemates Meeting Wangerooge
22 February 2017, 10:50

Das kann ich sehr gut verstehen. Ich wäre wahrscheinlich auch schon super aufgeregt, wenn ich nicht durch die tägliche Arbeit auf unserer Baustelle abgelenkt wäre.
23 February 2017, 06:16

Bei Staub und Dreck in der Hütte hat man nicht viel Zeit für andere Gedanken.
23 February 2017, 07:34

soso vorarbeiten! Wobei du hast es ja nicht weit zum Lager um Nachschub zu holen, wenn du damit am 2. Tag schon fertig bist 😄
23 February 2017, 07:34

Eigentlich könnten wir uns doch einfach alle aus Holgers Stash bedienen...
23 February 2017, 17:05

First pix are added. There is scratch, resin an pe work. Unfortunately there are many bubbles to deal with...
6 March 2017, 17:59

Schön das Ihr alle ne coole Zeit hattet.Freu mich darauf den Heli im Endstadium zu sehen.Sieht erste klasse aus 👍👍
12 March 2017, 04:33

The meeting is over and it is time to leave... it was great way of modeling. A big thank you to everyone who was involved! Always great to have you around! Yes, i love ya...!😢
Ein dickes Danke schön an alle die ich hier gewesen sind. Es war eine grandiose Zeit und es hat einen wahnsinnigen Spaß gemacht euch alle hier zu haben. Gerne wieder! 🙂
Ab heute läuft die Uhr wieder rückwärts und wir sehen uns hoffentlich 2018 wieder hier auf der Insel, um noch mehr Spaß zu haben, als dieses Mal! DANKE! 😄
12 March 2017, 13:14

Ach und auch ein ganz dickes Danke schön an modellbaukönig und Harald! Und es war schön dich kennengelernt zu haben #uschivanderrosten
12 March 2017, 13:17

Holger, es war uns ein Fest wieder auf "deiner" Insel zu Gast zu sein! Schon die Begrüßung am Bahnhof war erneut ein Highlight!
Hattest du schon meine PM gelesen?
12 March 2017, 18:53

Schön, dass du ihn soweit fertig bekommen hast😉 Wir sehen uns nächstes Jahr😄
12 March 2017, 23:22

Ganz herzlichen Dank, Jungs!
Some minor things are still to do, decals, washing... And put the resin interior aside - this is really a joy to build!
And i was surprised by the Hataka paints. Used ´em first time and i like them! Fine pigments and perfect for airbrushing or wheelding the good ´ol hairy stick.😄
14 March 2017, 10:37

I am MOST impressed with how good this bird has turned into such a work of art. 🙂 The winch is well done especially, and I want a mug, just like that one, but next years. 🙂 🙂
26 March 2017, 13:59

Kezza, as far as I know this kind of mug will only be done each 5 years. So, if you will come to join us for the next five years... 😉
27 March 2017, 06:30

LOL. I may as well move to Germany and settle down then Thomas. 🙂
I am sure I could find some 'quiet place by the sea' I could be happy with. And, a buxom Fräulein with a pleasant smile. 🙂
27 March 2017, 07:00

You will get your mug, Kerry! I´m sure about that! And thx for your nice comment on my Huey.😄
27 March 2017, 07:17

Kezza, Holger is the Greatest! One of the best friends one could get! Maybe, you will get a 5.5 mug?
27 March 2017, 09:24

That's one really sweet looking Huey you've got yourself Holly, well done Mate.👍👍👍
27 March 2017, 12:29

Hi Holger, very nice job you did with it!
I really like your attention to details, so keep up the good work and I hope to see more Choppers to come😉
13 October 2017, 13:53

Chop, chop, chop... There will be more of ´em, for sure! Thanks a lot!🙂
13 October 2017, 14:32

A great result Holger. Detail as good as one expects from you and I do hope you masked off the nav/clearance lights mate. ? !!!
13 October 2017, 15:06

Thanks Buddy, no i did not mask them, as they are no clear parts. I had to paint ´em afterwards. The origin kit is from Italeri.
14 October 2017, 08:10

WHAT.??? Italeri. ??? No bloody wonder I couldn't see them, as the Italians don't believe that nav lights play an important part in flying, so they don't include them. hahahahahahaha 🙂 🙂
14 October 2017, 13:30

You have a good eye for detail Holger. A big slap on the back mate. 👍 🙂
16 October 2017, 15:40

I know these choppers and their scheme from my childhood. Everytime i heard a chopchopchopchop, i went to the Helopad and watched them. I was so exited! Thanks guy´s! I appreciate your comments very much!😄
16 October 2017, 15:46

Hahahaha. Like you Holger, hearing the sound and rushing out to see what it was. 🙂
But I ended up with a crook neck from watching all the traffic in and out of the old Brisbane airport before the Boeing 'jet age' happened, watching all the C-47's Dc-9's and super constellations from the end of the runway for hours on end. :-O . hahahaha :-
16 October 2017, 15:53