February 23, 2018And off we go ...2
March 1, 20183
March 1, 20184
March 18, 20185
March 23, 20186
March 23, 20187
March 25, 20188
March 25, 20189
March 31, 201810
April 9, 2018Generally I like Pactra paints, but their varnish is a different story - here together with MrSol...11
April 9, 2018Nice example of thinned Gunze H6, but it went off with the Gunze masking fluid 🙁12
April 9, 2018So I went for the Tamiya Yellow from the rattle can 🙂13
April 9, 201814
April 14, 201815
April 14, 201816
April 16, 2018Before the Gauzy Agent it looked like standing in a dusty museum 😉17
April 16, 201818
April 16, 201819
April 16, 201820
April 16, 201821
April 16, 201822
April 16, 201823
April 16, 201824
April 16, 201825
April 16, 2018
25 February 2025, 14:48 -