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Alec K (Pardubak)

IPMS-USA National Convention 2021


3 11 September 2021, 17:45
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
 11 September 2021, 19:00
I am reminded, whenever I get to build a supercarrier in 1:700 scale, I must remember to add soot pigments to dirty up the entire surface of the top deck, especially for darkening the painted stripes around the top side of the deck. 🙂
 11 September 2021, 19:09
Remarkable! I really admired the patience required to build ship models.
Thanks again Alec. 👍
 25 November 2021, 15:08

Album info

Continuing with the pics from the IPMS-USA National Convention, here is a selection of ship pics from the 2021 Nats in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have broken them down by contest categories. Hope you enjoy.

Below are links to the other related albums:

Venue: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=75976
Aircraft: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=75895
Military Vehicles: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=75948
Figures: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=75952
Automotive: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=75961
Space and Science Fiction Vehicles: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=75969
Dioramas: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=75973
Miscellaneous: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=75975

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