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George Bacon (Gbmodeler)

Char Canon FT17

December 26, 2013
January 6, 2014

RPMs old cannon version

Состав проекта

Полные наборы
Char Canon FT17
RPM 1:35
35062 200x Новая коробка


34 изображения
FT17View album, image #1
The new project.
Проект: Char Canon FT17
1:35 Char Canon FT17 (RPM 35062)


27 December 2013, 19:12
Fabian D.
interresting subject, I´m in...
 27 December 2013, 19:14
George Bacon Автор
Man, is this thing small!
 27 December 2013, 19:15
Fabian D.
an issue most french tanks of this time share share... 😉
Have got the Renault R-35 (the succsessor of the FT 17)...it´s way smaller than an Pz I or II...
 27 December 2013, 19:25
George Bacon Автор
Fabian, although it's small, the suspension is coming along... 🙂
 27 December 2013, 23:20
George Bacon Автор
The FT-17 is coming along, but I have to say I could never recommend this kit to anyone. 🙁 I will have to try the new Meng version someday. 🙂
 31 December 2013, 00:12
Hunter Cummins
I heard the meng kit is amazing
 1 January 2014, 04:01
George Bacon Автор
Added bit and pieces (wire and leftover photo-etch from other kits). Ready to paint!
 1 January 2014, 15:30
Hunter Cummins
Cant wait to see a coat f paint on her 😄😄😄😄
 1 January 2014, 15:37
George Bacon Автор
Thanks Hunter. Happy New Year!
 1 January 2014, 15:59
Hunter Cummins
Noproblem george 😄 happy new year to you your wife and the ones youlove 😄
 1 January 2014, 16:29
George Bacon Автор
Primed and base coat applied. I'm also using RPM's after-market tracks. They are tedious to clean-up, but if you glue them right, they're workable! 🙂 🙂 🙂
 1 January 2014, 23:41
Hunter Cummins
Like I said george great job so far and top notch painting so fwr lol
 2 January 2014, 00:18