First prime coat with a rattle can of Plasticoat and it looks better than I expected. Now for filling and sanding and a second coat of primer using the airbrush for better control.
First time airbrushing enamel in an aircraft. It’s not perfect but it went a lot easier than when I painted the hull of the lifeboat, I think I am getting to grips with the brush.
Having an entertaining time with 40 year old decals. They were silvering and crazing but several applications of micro-sol seem to have saved them. Pretty aeroplane.
Model completed. The decals were not great and I left off the last two tiny stencils because they were so indistinct. I don’t know if this was due to the age or original print quality.
13 January 2025, 23:18 -
Album info
Old series 1 1:72 simple Folland Gnat kit in Red Arrows colours.