база података моделирања возова | Менаџер залиха

1:160 Phones

Временска линија за Brawa (4569) Telephone box FH 32, illuminated, Era III and IV

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TELEPHONE POLES 12pc (Atlas Model Railroad Co. 2801) Telephone Booth "Swisscom" with lighting (Brawa 4561) Era 1 Telephone Booth FH32 with Lighting (Brawa 4562) Telephone booth - lighted (Brawa 4563) Telephone box Type Tel H 90 (Brawa 4564) Telephone booth illuminated (Brawa 4566) Old-time Telephone booth - lighted (Brawa 4568) Telephone box FH 32, illuminated, Era III and IV (Brawa 4569) TELEPHONE POLES AND LIGHTS (Kato 23215)

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